Chapter One - The Beginning Of The End

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I frowned at the article in the newspaper. God, I wished for it to be true. But, like many out there, I doubted it was powerful enough to save everyone. To save my dad.

Slowly, I glanced up at a photo on the wall of my parents smiling happily. I sighed and wished for those times to be back. When we were happy. Now that my dad is suffering with cancer and my mum is drinking herself into the ground, all I want is for this to be over.

Studying the photo a bit longer, I picked out the similarities between myself and them. Although my hair got its length, almost down to my waist, from my mum, the colour is completely from my dad. Raven-black that shines a dark blue in the sun. Light blue eyes from my mum, and my dads height and tan skin, with my mums slender figure. I suppose people would think I was "hot" but I tend to prefer such adjectives as "quiet", "unapproachable" and "scary".

Sighing again, I slumped deeper in my desk chair, ignoring all the lessons I had been taught about proper posture, and stared around my room. My room was tiny but simple. In one corner was my small bed that I had had from when I was a little girl fresh from her crib, along side of it, on the wall, was a window with plain white curtains that matched my bedsheets. Still along the same wall, stretching from the foot of my bed to the wall next to it, which wasn't very far, was a white set of drawers which were barely half full. On the other side of the room was my wooden desk with my old laptop sitting on the top, and the door which leads into the hallway.

I gave yet another sigh and pressed the power button on my laptop to boot it up. After several slow minutes, it beeped happily to let me know it was on. My Skype automatically logged me in and within seconds I heard the beeping sound of someone calling me. I rolled my eyes and pressed 'accept' and the familiar face on my best friend popped up.

"SHAY! Finally... Took you bloody long enough to log in!" Ava Grey said flipping her shoulder length blonde hair in mock annoyance.

"Oh please," I replied, grinning into the tiny camera on the top of my laptop, "I'm not even late."

"Uh huh. Sooooo! Tell me the latest!" She said happily.

"You've seen the news lately right?" I asked. Ava frowned and narrowed her dark brown eyes.

"Did you seriously just ask me that? Who HASN'T been watching?"

"Attitude, missy," I warned jokingly, "But anyways, I signed my dad up for it, he gets the drug tomorrow."

"You think it will work?" Ava asked sympathetically.

"I'm hope it does."

"And..." Ava lowered her voice, "Your mum?"

"I don't even know anymore."

"I'm sorry, I wish I could be there."

"Hey, don't worry," I said smiling, "You'll be home soon."

For the next hour Ava and I chatted about everything. Mostly her vacation. I was so happy that she would be home by tomorrow evening, after dads visit to the hospital. She and I had been friends ever since I punched a kid in kindergarten for stealing her cookies. It was worth getting in trouble.

"Jeez, I'm tired," Ava yawned.

"Go to bed. We'll talk when you get home, okay?"

"Kaaaay... Love yah Shay."

"Love you too Ava."

The call ended suddenly and I took that as my cue to shut my own computer down. Retreating to my bed, I picked up one of the many books I have under my bed. I flicked to the front and started reading until I fell asleep.


Hey guys :3 Lucie here, soooo... I couldn't sleep and suddenly, inspiration struck! Here's my new story! Hope you like it :33

Might sound a little slow atm but that's because it's just started! Oh and I know with MOST zombie books they don't explain how the outbreak happens but that's what I'm doing :3 it will have heaps more action maybe in the next chap?

And ! Writing this on my iPod using the app. It's fun XD

Much love,



Book One: The Apocalypseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें