Chapter Sixteen - Escape Plan

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"Shayde, come with me," Mina murmured, laying a hand on my upper arm, "I need to find the fire escape for this building."

"Why do you need me?" I snapped.

"Just in case. Don't you want everyone to get out of here safely?" She raised an eyebrow.

I frowned. "Fine."

Mina gave me a smile and turned away. Just before I looked away from the back of her head, I heard her mumble something under her breath. It sounded like she said 'easy' but that couldn't be right.

Mina walked swiftly out of the room but I hesitated. Zoey was still giggling with Ava and Felix by the food table. Darius and Vet were speaking in low voices by the window. Elena and Michael were huddled on the couch.

I sighed and approached Zoey. She stopped to grin at me and I crouched down in front of her.

"I have to leave for a little bit," I told her quietly.

Her expression faded and she looked at me sadly.

"Why?" Zoey asked.

"Don't worry," I said shaking my head slightly, "I'll be back soon, okay?"

"I'll save some cake for you," She replied seriously.

I nodded and went to join Mina.


"Said all your goodbyes then?" Mina drawled.

I ignored her and kept walking down the winding hallways of the hotel.

"So, is that a no? Tragic. They will miss you," Mina said dramatically.

"Do you ever get sick of hearing yourself talk?" I hissed.

"Never," She answered gleefully, happy to get words out of me.

I continued swiftly down the hall, hearing Mina's footsteps quicken as she tried to keep pace with me.

"Fire exit?" I asked quietly.

"Uh huh," Mina confirmed.

"Like that one?" I gestured ahead of me.

Mina shoved me out of the way and went to investigate the safety of the escape while I loyally watched her back.

"How good are you at jumping?" Mina called.

"Depends," I said stepping forward to study the exit.

"Crossing the rooftops seems like the best idea," Mina said, pointing down at the crowd of zombies below us and then in front of her at a roof that was level with us.

"I agree, but where do we go? We can't roof hop forever, Mina," I muttered in annoyance.

She grunted and looked around, gazing each building in view.

"Church," She sighed, turning away and disappearing back into the building.

I found the church at the very edge of town, topped with a large cross and a large bell. It's white arches seemed broken beyond repair.

"Church," I repeated slowly, "I don't know about that."


Ohgod, so short...

Much love,



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