Chapter Eleven - Bad Decisions

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I was trapped. In a tiny closet. With three bulking guys. And millions of zombies. Right outside. Banging on the door.

"Great fucking idea, Vet," I muttered angrily.

He grinned but I could tell it was fake. "Hey, I live to impress."

I practically growled at him.

"Now is not the time to pick a fight Shayde," Hunter said.

"Ugh," Darius groaned, "Don't you start."

"The hell are you picking sides for?!" Hunter snarled.

"I'm not picking sides! You're being a-" Darius said through gritted teeth until he was cut off by a female voice.

"Shut up," She whispered.

Since I was the only girl in our group of four, and I didn't say it, I was a bit confused. Sounded like she was right next to me too, which was impossible, since I was squashed between the back of the closet and Darius.

"Uh, hello?" I whispered feeling stupid.

"For Gods sake you guys are idiotic," muttered the same voice. She had the faintest accent I couldn't place.

Suddenly, right next to me, there was an odd, loud scratching noise and a small hole was formed filling the closet with dim light. I stared through the hole to see light brown eyes looking at me in annoyance and surprise.

"Hello," She said, sounding generally happy, "I'm Mina and I'm going to free you guys."

Mina vanished and I shrugged at my three companions. Who was I to argue with this girl?

Suddenly, a long way away, but still completely audible, was the loud boom of what sounded like fireworks. The banging on the closet door stopped for a moment. That's when another firework went off. Then I heard the quiet shuffling of feet moving away, moans getting quieter.

"Oh Mina.." Vet said under his breath. I raised an eyebrow at him.

I was momentarily blinded from the light spilling into the closet when the door was pulled open by our savior. Mina winked at us and gestured with her hand for us to follow her. She had frizzy brown hair pulled into a ponytail, and honestly, was kind of on the short side. But she looked as is her body was packed with major muscle and could kick ass whenever she wanted.

I climbed over Darius and gave a sigh of relief as I stretched in all the open air. Cramped closets aren't the most comfortable place to be stuck in. Then for the three totally slow males it seemed to click we were free and temporary zombie free. Darius and Hunter both made it a wild dash for the exit and fell over each other multiple ones. Not sure how they managed that but, you know, boys are boys. Vet climbed out after them and stretched as I had.

Mina studied as for a few moments and then narrowed her eyes.

"You're the people who have been shooting your damn guns! Don't you get how much of a problem that is for me?!" She cried, brown eyes flashing.

Before we could reply she sighed and made a follow me gesture and stalked away from us.

We were in one of the many rooms of a hospital. Vet was attempting to obtain medicine for Elena's husband. He had been trying for days and with our help we got so close until we were cornered and had to hide.

We all took a step towards Mina's retreating figure except Vet who stepped away to the small cabinet that had caused us all the trouble. He broke the lock with a flimsy pair of cutters and paused in front of it, looking for the right medication. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him. I had a small empty backpack on my back that I shoved into his hands and started grabbing as many bottles of everything. Vet did the same until we emptied the cabinet and then walked over to where Mina had disappeared.

Before we were in the company of the others I decided to question Vet.

"Do you know Mina?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah, we go way back," He answered swiftly.

"How'd you meet her?"

Vet remained silent, and refuse to look at me.

"Vet?" I demanded.

Laughing from a patients ward along the hall made me forget what I was talking about and I quickened my pace. Walking through the doorway, all there was were six beds separated by a thin curtain each. Each bed had a bunch of machines behind it which I was clueless about, so I ignored them. Mina was seated on the bed furtherest from the door with Darius next to her and Hunter on the chair next to the bed.

I walked even faster and ended up in front of them all, staring Mina down.

She gave me an innocent wide eyed look. Yeah right. I see right through it. Why do I even care..?

"Got what you need?" Mina asked after moments of silence.

"Uh-huh," I nodded.

"Alright, try and keep up," She said proudly before going over to the window next to the bed. Swiftly she opened it and went outside onto a small ledge. I followed behind her. Mina looked back at me and smiled before taking a running jump right off the edge.

"Mina?!" I cried in a sort of strangled scream.

Frantically, I looked down and saw Mina waving from a ledge lower down.

Suddenly Vet pushed in front of me.

"Watch Shayde," He murmured before taking an identical leap down.

I saw him land next to Mina and I sighed.

"Here we go.." I muttered before diving off the ledge.

I was upright for about two seconds after landing until my foot collapsed and I tumbled to the floor.

"Ow," I moaned.

I looked up to see Vet and Mina peering down at me curiously.

"Great fucking idea, Vet," I muttered angrily, amused by the fact that this was the second time I had said it.

"It wasn't me!" He replied defensively.

I sighed and touched my ankle softly. I let out a small whimper.

"Sprained," Mina said simply before leaping off the ledge as she had before.

Then I felt the ground give a little shake as Darius landed beside me and crouched down.

"Good job," He whispered sarcastically, grabbed my ankle lightly.

"I'd like to see you do better," I teased.

He gave a low chuckle and then sighed.

Vet pulled out some bandages from his pocket and handed them to Darius.

"How many bloody bandages do you have lying around?" I asked.

"Heaps for when I run into clumsy girls like you," He winked and leapt off the ledge after Mina.

Darius wound my ankle tightly and I sighed.

"Can you stand?" He said quietly.

"I don't know," I answered.

Darius reached down and pulled me up onto my feet. Slowly I tested the pressure.

"I'll be fine," I muttered, looking down to the next ledge. Mina was already two or three ahead, though Vet was waiting patiently for us.

"Shay," Darius gave me a look full of concern.


And then I jumped off the ledge.


Much love,



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