Chapter Seven - Home, Sweet, Home

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Perching on top of one of the four buildings, clustered together and surveyed the area. A small oddly shaped circle surrounded the buildings. A fence made entirely from the hardware stores contents. It took us almost a week for the whole thing and it was still quite flimsy.

That's right. A week. Day nine of the apocalypse. It was amazing how fast things went from 'just okay' to 'totally fucked'. As far as I knew, cities were a BAD idea. Completely invaded. Practically all of the population were walking corpses. I'm not sure how bad it was in other places of the world, but here? It was pretty goddamn bad.

Our group size hadn't changed, mostly because we hadn't seen anyone else. This worried us.

Back on day two, when we arrived, Darius and I has done many sweeps of the four buildings, clearing as we went. We made sure to check every single nook and canny before we declared it 'safe'. Even still, no one walked around without a weapon.

The small bed and breakfast did in fact have five rooms like I estimated. Plus the check in room, an office for employees, a kitchen for staff and a small room with a few tables and chairs. Each of the five rooms were exactly the same. Small, with one double bed. And a tiny couch in the corner.

Ava and I shared one room, Darius and Hunter had another, and Felix slept on the couch in whatever room he felt like sleeping in. We had decided to have vacant rooms in case other survivors ran into our fort.

Across the dirt road from the bed and breakfast was a cafe. It wasn't anything special. Just a couple of old dusty furniture and a small kitchen with a walk in freezer. The kitchen in the motel had one too. Which was good. Although we lost electricity on day four we managed to cook up some good frozen foods and even cook the defrosted ones now.

Slightly apart from the main two buildings was the other two. The hardware store and the general store.

The hardware store was quite good to have. It allowed us to build a really bad fence and get a few extra weapons. It also held a lot of gas which was really good since we occasionally attempted to raid other places.

And the last, the general store. This was topped with quite a lot of food and really, there wasn't much perishable food there which was good. Along with the bottled water we found, there was also a small well hidden from view. Even I had to admit, this was an amazing setup. We'd even tried to turn out lives back to normal by giving ourselves roles within the house.

We all shifted in for watching the area from above, but that was mainly my job since, not to brag or anything, I was the best shot in the group.

Ava took on the motherly role and cooked for us everyday. This gave her full control over all food supplies, and I knew she was the only one I'd trust not to sneak in a snack. She also, when she wasn't cooking, tended to wander aimlessly, cleaning as she went.

Darius and Hunter insisted on protecting us like we were defenseless and constantly went on raids to look for survivors and gather as much supplies as possible. They were a good team and currently away, searching for more survivors.

Felix. Well. He seemed lost. And very worried about the fence. He spent a lot of his time reinforcing it further and patrolling the perimeter constantly. Poor kid.

I sighed and stretched out on top of the motel which was the tallest of the building. The sun was warm and inviting and I started dozing.

It was peaceful out here. Ever since we cleared out the zombies from each building, I hadn't seen another one. I could almost pretend life was normal.

Then a familiar sound alerted me to my car, approaching fast along the road. I almost smiled as the dust billowed out. Then I paused. They were driving awfully fast. Too fast. Turning, I took off at a run and leapt off the side of the building landing on the general stores roof which was quite a bit lower than the motels. Then I jumped onto a small ledge and to the ground. Still clutching my gun in my hand, I jogged over to the 'gate', where my car was approaching. I heard it stop but I waited until the boys gave the signal.

"Shayde!" Hunter yelled, "Open the damn door."

"How about no," I answered, "Dar will be angry."

Yes, I called him Dar. Shut up.

"I will not," Darius replied, sounding amused, "But seriously, let us in. Emergency."

Reaching over, I started to unlock the gate.

Hunter must have heard this because in seconds he was yelling at me for being a bitch. I heard a loud smack and Hunter cried out in pain.


By the time the boys had driven the car into the walls and I had closed the gate, Ava and Felix had joined us.

"Well," Darius started nervously, "Say hello to the newest editions to our family."

"Ooh!" Ava squealed happily, "You finally found someone?"

Then movement from the car made me point my gun instinctively. Out of the car climbed three people. Not just one. Three.

Then I recognized one at the same time Ava did and watched her start to shake.


:3 who is it ;D?

Sorry for boringness and shortness! Had to explain new residence and such. Very much a filler chapter. Oh and, I finally figured out exactly how this book will end ;) from the ending I have in mind, it seems like there could possibly be a second book? Hells yeah.

Much love,



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