Chapter Three - First Blood

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On the outside I seemed completely calm and collected, but on the inside I could barely contain my joy. I was sitting in the airport parking lot waiting for the familiar face of my best friend. After staring down hundreds of people I spotted her. I gave a squeal of glee and spung the car door open. I started waving wildly to get her attention and when she finally spotted me, she took off at a sprint and practically tackled me. I just barely manged to keep us from tumbling to the ground.

"Shaaaaydeee," she sung happily.

"Ava," I grinned.

We didn't need to say any more than that. Our mind link was working furiously though. Quickly, she jumped into my car, in the passenger seat, and I threw her bags into the back. Once I revved up the engine, Ava started blabbing on about this and that. I nodded when she paused and laughed when it seemed appropriate, but my mind was flirting nervously to Sara. I just couldnt figure her actions out. Suddenly there was a sharp pain in my side and I heard Ava grunt unhappily.

"I've been away for how long and you're ignoring me?!"

"Sorry," I muttered sheepishly, "Say again?"

"I asked how your dad is..."

"Hmm," I gripped the wheel thoughtfully, "Better and worse."

"How can he be both?" Ava questioned.

"Well, he's responsive now. He was squeezing my hand before, but, I'm not sure.. Something about his face. Looks like he's in pain."

Ava was silent for a few long moments. Quickly, I asked her about the cute guys she'd seen on vacation and she grinned slyly, and dived into plenty tales to last the rest of the trip back home.

"I get the spare bedroom right?" Ava asked, dragging her suitcase and carry on bag along the floor.

"Duh? Not like it's anything special."

"Oh please," she said shoving my shoulder slightly, "I love your house. Can I go have a shower first?"

"Since when do you ever ask?"

"Point made, cya soon!"

I watched as she strutted off towards the spare room and bathroom. I started to follow but stopped at my parents door. Silently I pushed the door open and peeked in. My dad still lay there, frail as ever, but his colour was slightly better. I smiled in relief. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe the drug works? And my mum. She was buried into my dads side, tucked under his arm. Suddenly, I felt hope. Ducking out of the room and leaving the door open a crack I pushed open the door to my room and perched in my desk chair to wait for Ava.

I heard the shower turn off and the door to the spare room, well Ava's room, opened and closed. Raising an eyebrow, I pulled myself up and snuck down the hallway. I gave a light knock and let myself in. Ava was lying on the bed, already asleep. I rolled my eyes and covered her with a blanket that was at the gooey of her bed. Sighing, I returned to my own room and fell asleep almost as easily as Ava did.

A strange, unfamiliar noise made my eyelids fly open. It was sort of like a groan. Cautiously, I rolled out of bed and cocked my head to the side listening for the sound. There it was again, coming from across the hall. Shaking my head, I pushed my own door open and stuck my ear to my parents. The same groan. All of a sudden, I felt sick to my stomach. Ignoring it, I pushed the door open and almost let out a gasp.

With the light streaming in through the window, it gave me enough light to see what was unfolding on the bed. My dad was up, leaning over my mums body, head down on her stomach.

"D- Dad..?" I asked nervously. I couldn't shake the feeling something was terribly wrong. Slowly my dad raise his head and turned to me. This time I let out a startled squeak. His face was coloured red, blank eyes staring at me. I allowed a glance at my mum and saw a massive chunk gone from her stomach. All I saw was red, red, red. Then my dads movement made me start panicking. He raised himself off the bed and started a odd shuffle to where I was standing. I heard him uttering strange groans. No, this is wrong! I leapt into action, narrowly avoiding his blood covered hands as he reached for me.

"DAD!" I screamed. He didn't stop. Realizing I had seconds until I ended up like mum, I ran to the other side of the room where my dads hunting rifles were placed nicely on display. I picked up the semi sized one, the one dad taught me how to use, and shot without thinking. Dad fell to the ground and stopped moving. I was still holding the smoking gun when I heard Ava scream.

Dropping the gun, I leapt over my dads body and to her.

"Shush Ava.." I murmured wrapping my arms around her.

"What the hell happened..?" She whispered, tensing up in my grip.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me."

"Zombies, I think.."

Ava ripped herself out of my arms and took a step away from me.

"You shot him. You shot your dad," she cried in disbelief.

"He tried to eat me. Look at what he did to mum-," my voice broke on the last word and I realized I was crying. I saw Ava take a small peek into the room before I moved in to block her view. Too late, she'd seen all she needed to see.

"Move!" She commanded dangerously as she walked into the room, pushing past me. I let her. She studied my mums broken body and my dad with a bullet in his brain.

"Ohgod," She whispered. I was about to open my mouth to say something when she walked over and picked up my dropped shotgun. Then she walked back and aimed at my mums forehead.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I hissed, "She's already dead.."

"If the only theory you can come up with is fucking zombies, I refuse to let your mum come back as one."

"Destroy the brain," I muttered sadly.

"Don't look," Ava whispered and I closed my eyes as a second gunshot rang through my house.


;D finally! Theres the action I was dying to write :3 sounding good atm? Action is getting SERIOUS. Haha :3 next chap might be a bit boring too :3 with a bit of zombies (; but you never know, might... Throw some extra characters in... Like... Hot, badass guys?

Much love,



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