Chapter Two - Super Drug

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I woke up in a tangle with my blanket. Another restless sleep. Reaching up I pulled on a string and my blinds swung open.

"Gah!" I cried out, throwing my arm over my eyes like a freaking vampire. Slowly I lifted my arm giving my eyes time to adapt and started to untangle myself from my blankets.

When I was free, I stood and padded over to my door and snuck out into the hallway. I eyed the door right across from mine and with a sigh, I pushed it open. Lying in the middle of her bed was my mother, completely passed out. Not like anythings changed. Ignoring her, I left and stumbled into our small lounge room. Did I mention practically everything here is small? I turned on the TV, and eagerly awaited the morning news.

Finally, the headline appeared. 'Super Drug Released'. I watched as the news reporter told me things I already knew. But that was fine. I was happy! My dad would finally be okay.

It took minutes to get to the hospital, and seconds to rush to my dads room. Gently, I opened the door and took in the surroundings. Okay, nothing seems to have changed in the past week. My dads frail body lay limply in the middle of one of those awful hospital beds. He had machines hooked up to him and an uneaten tray of breakfast on his lap. Carefully I sat by his side and brushed his dark hair back.

"Hey Dad.." I murmured, "Guess what!" I paused pretending he answered me with a 'what?'. "You'll be all well today! And then we can get mum help and we'll be a happy family again. I reached down and gripped his bony hand. "Oh and, Ava gets home tonight! You want her to visit right? She'd love to see you well again!"

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Who was I kidding? The drug wouldn't work.. Ignoring my silent tears, I chatted as if dad could hear me and pretended he could reply.

Sara, my dads nurse walked in shortly after I arrived. She wasn't surprised to see me, but just smiled warmly.

"Excited Mr. Reed?" She asked as casually as she could, "Just think! You can see your wife and daughter again! Won't that be great?"

"Hey Sara?" I asked.

"Hmmm?" She mumbled busying herself with a clipboard stuffed with paper.

"When does he get the drug?"

"Oh," Sara glanced up at me, "Very, very, VERY soon actually, and then you wait an hour and you can take him home!"

"Wouldn't he need to stay overnight or something?"

"Nah, super drug calls for super difference procedures. And since you know how to look after him it will be fine."

I gave her a short nod and turned my attention back to my dad. Sara studied the paperwork for a few more minutes and then set it down loudly.

"Okay! Be right back!" She called cheerfully, and sashayed out of the room.

"Dad! You must be getting the super drug now! Doesn't that make you happy?"

And then I felt the strangest thing. His hand tightened around mine. I let out a gasp.

"Dad..?" I started to ask but was cut off as Sara entered the room with another nurse and a doctor. The doctor was holding a syringe. Strutting over, he shoved me to the side, breaking my grip on my dads hand. I watched as his hand closed into a fist.

"Hang on..." I murmured, placing a hand on the doctors arm. He shoved me aside again, hard enough to make me stumble and roughly grabbed my dads arm and shoved the syringe into the crook of his elbow. After all the contents had been emptied the doctor nodded at his assistant and left. Sara had the saddest look on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked, returning to the bedside.

"Nothing, silly," she said, a smile replacing her frown in a second, "I better go. I'll be back when it's time to check him out, okay?"

I gave her a nod and silently wished for my dad to open his eyes so he could explain himself to me.

During the hour wait I noticed a few things.

1. Dad seemed less pale.

2. His grip on my hand was slowly tightening.

3. His eyes were fluttering wildly as if he was having a bad dream.

Honestly I couldn't decide whether this was good or not. He seemed so much better but so much worse at the same time. I winced as his grip almost crushed my hand for a second and I stared down at him. Was he in pain?..

At that moment Sara burst back into the room. She shoved paperwork under my nose complete with a pen and retreated to a corner of the room.

"Sara, what the hell is wrong with you?" I demanded, filling in the paperwork.


I glanced at her and caught a wild, nervous look in her eyes. "Sure?"

"Yes!" She hissed, "Just finish the paperwork!"

I widened my eyes at her tone and quickly turned back to the paper, effortlessly answering all the questions. Once my pen left the paper after answering everything, Sara snatched it the bundle from my hands and pulled a wheelchair that must have been waiting in hallway, into the room. She went to grab my dad and put him into the chair but I threw out my arm and blocked her. That look in here eyes. I simply didn't trust it.

"Allow me," I offered as kindly as I could. Sara backed away until she was out the door. Gently, I grabbed my dad and seated him in the wheelchair. "I dunno dad," I murmured in his ear, "You look like you need to stay here a bit longer but I guess the doctors know what they're doing right?"

Silently I passed Sara who watched me cautiously. I was just about to walk off when I heard her whisper, "Shayde. Good luck and be careful."

I turned to see her bolting down the long hallway. Seriously, what's up with her?

I wheeled dad into the car pack and placed him in the backseat of my little car. Once he was snugly strapped in I got into the drivers seat and started off home.


When I reached the house, I kicked open the door holding my dad in my arms. Seriously, he weighed nothing.. Debating on where to put him, I decided to lay him next to mum. Maybe she would wake and want to be better? Carefully, I carried him through the house and nudged my mums door open. Her room stank of alcohol. I placed my dad next to her where she was still laying. Now that I think about it, she hadn't moved an inch since the last time I was here. Sighing, I placed two fingers on her neck and checked her pulse. I let out a breath of relief when I felt it still beating. As delicately as I could, I placed a light blanket over the two of them and left in a rush.


Okay okay, not the action I hoped for.. Next chap I swear! Still hope you're still hanging on for the exciting bits :3 and guess who we get to meet properly next chap! AVA!! ;D

Much love,



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