Chapter Five - Roof Over My Head

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I pulled up on the side off the dirt road and stared across at the farmhouse Felix had mentioned.

I gave a low whistle. "Looks like it should be in one of those stereotypical teenage horror movies," I muttered darkly. Felix chuckled in amusement and Darius gave him the strangest look. Ava and I looked at each other and she grinned. We all piled out of the car and I faced the two newbies.

"Can you fire a gun?" I asked. They both nodded. I threw the big shotgun at Darius, since he was bigger than me, and grabbed the smaller one from Ava. She gave me a dirty look and pulled out her pistol. I gave mine to Felix reluctantly.

"Do you know who lives here?" I questioned Felix.

"Yes," He whispered.

"Alright," I muttered, "Shoot to kill if something tries to eat your face," I said a bit louder and turned to walk towards the front door.

"She's really something, isn't she," I heard Darius mumble to the two others. I spun and glared at him before returning to face the house.

As I approached the door, I slowed to study the front. The door was open a crack, and hanging off its hinges slightly. As if it had been forced open.

I held up my hand, gesturing for the others to stop. I let out a breath of disbelief. Darius approached me and laid a hand on my arm. I ripped it away in a second and shoved him away. He barely moved even though I used my full strength.

"I'm going first, no matter what you say," He said roughly to me, then lowered his voice to a whisper, "Can you promise me that you'll protect Felix?"

I nodded before I realised what I was doing. And he quickly faced the door, pushing it open with the muzzle of his gun and ducked into the house. I followed him silently and we parted ways, checking the rooms for any 'visitors'. I had gone right, into what looked like a lounge room, and Darius went left, into a small dining room.

The room I entered only held a small TV, three seated couch and a few bookshelves surrounding the room. There was one door, a window and an archway leading into a hallway. Slowly I walked quietly to the door and stood in a defensive position, one hand on the knob, other holding the gun. Then, in a rush, I pulled open the door. Something flew out at me and I squeaked in terror. When I came to my senses, I realised it was a broom and this was a closet. I mentally kicked myself and slouched towards the hallway.

It was very dark, with a hanging light that was rocking slightly. Spotting a light switch on the wall, I lunged at it. Nothing happened. Sighing, I waited for my eyes to adjust completely. When they did I noticed three doors. One at the end of the hall and one on the left and one on the right.

"Right is always right," I muttered to myself and slowly, I approached the door. Taking up the same position as I had with the closet in the lounge room, I swung the door open.

Nothing jumped out at me. Bathroom. Simple white tiles covered the walls and the floor. There was a small shower in one corner, a toilet across from it and a sink by the door. Spotting a medicine cabinet above the door, I practically ran to it. Flinging it open, I studied the items. A first aid kit with bandages and a bottle of painkillers. Not much, but still helpful.

I wandered out of the bathroom and approached the door across from it. I noticed it was open a crack. I did the same routine and swung open the door.

And then I screamed. And screamed. And screamed.

I was slightly aware of someone saying my name over and over and trying to pull me arm, but I could not tear my eyes from the room.

"Shay, please, snap out of it.." Ava begged, "Please.."

The room was dark, but there was no disguising the small body on the bed. All around the room was pink and white furniture, and lots of fluffy toys. In the middle of a once beautifully coloured bed was the petite body of a child. She had flowing blonde hair which clashed greatly with the gaping hole in her neck and the blood.

"It's not her," Ava whispered. That snapped me into action and I stood up so fast, Ava fell over. I started out of the room and grabbed my gun which had fallen. Then I crashed into what felt like a solid wall.

Looking up at Darius and pushed him, frowning when he didn't move.

"Please," I said, voice barely over a low murmur. Darius's face fell and he moved carefully to the side. I took a step, and paused.

"Did you check the door at the end of the hall?" I asked.

He shook his head. Slowly, I reached behind him and picked up the baseball bat I had grabbed from home. Darius gritted his teeth but followed me as I walked to the final door.

I didn't even bother with the position I had been using. I stormed right into the room. Just as I expected, the flesh eater was chewing on a larger female body. I rushed over to him and before he figured out what was happening I swung the bat with all my might. The sickening crack made me swing again, and again. Over and over until I felt warm arms wrap around my waist and pull me back.

"He's dead," Darius said, "Stop."

I leant into him and cried. He stroked my hair and slowly pulled me out of the room.

I was laying on the couch in the living room, pretending to be asleep as Darius tried to clear the rooms. He had pulled the bodies out as soon as he could. He was bleaching the hell out of it, but I think he was unsuccessful. Felix lay in a ball at my feet on the couch. I don't think he was sleeping either. But Ava was passed out on the floor in front of the bed, snoring softly. I wish I could sleep. Peering out the window of the room all I saw was the darkness of night. We has avoided turning on any lights to avoid alerting any unwanted guests.

Slowly, I sat up and watched Felix. Every few seconds his eyes flashed open, surveyed the room and closed again. When he noticed I was watching him, he didn't close his eyes.

"It's okay, you know," He whispered.

"How can you be sure?"

"I have Dar.. You have Ava.. You should hold onto that while you can."

I looked at him and sighed. "She's all I got."

"Why, what happened?"

And then I told the boy everything.


;O so first thing, I am NOT happy with the actor I picked for Felix, but it's the best I can do. Any better ideas ? :3

And Shaydes a bit unstable, very much so in this chap ^^

Day one of the apocalypse has ended.

Much love,



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