Chapter Fifteen - Celebrations

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In my cramped spot behind the couch I was practically hidden from view. It was dark and quiet as I controlled my breathing. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Felix and Ava squashed into a tiny area across the room from me. Then I heard the shuffle of light footsteps near me and I raised my hand, spreading all fingers. Felix copied my actions. And slowly, I lowered each finger in a countdown. Felix mirrored me and as we lowered the final finger, I drew in sharp breath. And then launched myself out of my hiding spot.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ZOEY!" We all screamed as we descended on her.

She let out a yelp of surprise and grinned.

Darius, who was the closest to her, picked her up smoothly, and flung her in the air. Zoey giggled wildly as he caught her easily and placed her back down.

Zoey looked up at all of us, glowing in happiness. Then she looked past us at the extravagant decorations. Her jaw dropped in surprise as she took in everything Felix and Vet had gathered. Glitter covered every inch of the floor and pink and white streamers hung in abundance from the ceiling along with tons of balloons everywhere. In one corner of the room was a table overflowing with food. Not food you'd usually have at a party, but it was the best we could do. Ava and Mina had even obtained a cake. A cake! Darius and my presents lay in a pile on a pink sheet in the middle of the floor.

Her eyes landed on the gifts last and she gave me a pleading look. I laughed.

"Yes, those are yours," I said, rolling my eyes. I leaned over and picked up the one off the top, which I handed to Zoey.

She sat on the floor and started ripping into it.

I looked up and realised Mina and Vet had retreated to a window in the corner of the room and Elena and Michael were sitting on a couch whispering to each other.

I sighed and ignored them. I focused on Zoey who was ooh-ing and ahh-ing over one of the shirts we got her.

"Can I put it on now?" I heard her whisper to Felix who was seated next to her.

He laughed and smiled at her. "Soon, okay?"

She pouted, which causes Felix to chuckle again.

I tossed another present in front of Zoey who turned to it eagerly.

This continued until one present remained. Zoey was sporting the plastic tiara on her head, wand laying on Felix's lap. Her new clothes were in a small pile next to her.

I picked up the lone present and carefully handed it to her. She seemed to realise this was the last, and possibly the most important, present as she took her time opening it.

She let out a small squeak when she saw the small teddy and hugged it to her chest. Darius bent down and pulled the bear away slightly. Slowly, he removed the necklace and showed it to Zoey. Then he handed it to Ava who fastened it swiftly around Zoeys neck. Zoey touched the heart locket carefully.

"Open it," Felix murmured.

With shaky fingers, Zoey pulled the locket open and smiled.

"So you won't forget us.." Darius said, still kneeling next to her.

On one side of the locket was Darius and Felix squashed together in the tiny frame. On the other was myself and Ava.

"Thank you," Zoey whispered.

We were all silent for a moment, silently supporting each other.

"Now what?" Felix said, winking at Zoey.

"Well, I'm hungry," Darius smirked.

Ava and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes. Just like old times.

"Want some cake, Zo?" Felix asked, standing up. Zoey nodded eagerly and grabbed Felix's hand. We followed after the little girl to the table that held the food.

Before we reached it I was stopped by a voice.

"Shayde, Darius, come here for a second?" Vet called.

Darius looked at me in surprise but pulled away from the group. I followed after him.

Mina was leaning out the window, frizzy brown hair flowing in the wind but Vet was staring at us with a grim look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I stepped closer.

"I don't know it you noticed the last couple of days or so but there's been a significant decrease in... them... lately," Vet started.

I gave him a short nod, "Yes, what does it mean?"

"I think, someone is controlling them," Vet said, crossing his arms, "Well, just look." He pointed out the window Mina was leaning out.

Mina pulled away and I stepped up to gaze out the window.

Low on the ground, it seemed like ants milling about. But I know better. All you could see were the top of heads as they crowded around the building we were hiding in.

I moved aside to give Darius a look at the horror below us and he let out an angry hiss.

"How?" I asked.

Vet shook his head. "No idea," He looked over at Michael and Elena. "He's our only hope."

I cocked my head to one side and sighed. "I don't want to ruin Zo's birthday."

"Neither do we," Mina cut in sharply, "But would you prefer us all to be dead?"

I narrowed my eyes at her. "When are we leaving?" I muttered, glancing over at Zoey's grinning face as Felix spun her in circles.

"As soon as possible."

I sighed. "Sorry Zo," I murmured under my breath.


Ugh, not happy with this chapter. Had to rewrite it when it got deleted. The first was heaps better but nothing I can do. :c

Much love,



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