Chapter Eight - Newbies

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We were faced with a family of three, all looking scarily alike but I knew better. The youngest was peeking out at us from behind her mothers leg. She had short blonde hair in a ponytail and bright blue eyes. She was eight and her name was Zoey Hills. Zoey was an exact copy of her mother and father. They were Catherine and Daniel Hills, both blonde haired, blue eyed and in their 30s.

Ava gave me one last sad look before storming off angrily. I sighed and narrowed my eyes at them.

All three boys stared after Ava in confusion. Darius shook it first and faced me.

"Shay, this is-"

"No, I know who they are," I muttered cutting him off. I raised my gun and pointed it at Daniel. "The past will be.. Forgotten for now. It is a new world. But I will not hesitate to kill you if you step out of line."

Daniel gave me a sharp nod before wrapping an arm around his wife's waist.

Darius gave me a WTF look that I ignored.

"Dar. You're responsible for dealing with them," I muttered before stalking off in search of Ava.

"Ava?" I whispered, knocking on the door to our room. I heard sobbing from the other side. Sighing, I pulled open the door and walked towards where Ava was curled up on the couch, tears running down her face.

"Ava," I murmured sitting next to her. She turned and sobbed into my shoulder. I held her like that rubbing her back in slow circles. I hated seeing my best friend like this.

After a few minutes, she fell quiet and I let her go. She looked at me with wide hurt eyes.

"How are you so calm?" She whispered.

"The past doesn't matter when I'm trying to focus on our survival," I answered calmly.

"He kill-," Ava stopped unable to say more.

"Try and forget, okay?"

She stared at me, refusing to say anything, before standing and flopping down on the bed.

I sighed again and walked slowly out of the room.

As soon as I left, I climbed up the building and sat on the ledge. Nothing beyond the fence. Good. So instead of watching unmoving wastelands, I watched Darius lead the family of three around. I found Hunter pacing in a circle. And saw Felix walk slowly around the inside of the fence. So nothing special there either. Another uneventful day.

Voices of Darius, and the three lifted to me, echoing through the tense air. Darius was joyful and happily telling Daniel that he and his family could reside in any of the three empty rooms. Catherine thanked him in a high voice and tugged Zoey away towards the door of the room furthest from the two that were occupied. Daniel remained out, next to Darius.

"So, how'd you guys survive so long?" Darius questioned quietly.

"Just managed to hide. You came along at the perfect time," Daniel sighed.

"Yeah, we did have to kill a small army to save you."

"And I thank you for that.

They remained silent for a while, staring at nothing until curiosity overtook Darius.

"Why did the girls react how they did?"

Daniel glanced at him, the expression on his face hard to read from my slight bird eyes view.

"Years ago.. Something happened. It was a mistake, but they never forgave me," He began.

Then I heard the sound of a car, speeding away from the town we had all flee. I jumped down immediately, landing near the boys that were talking below me. They both jumped and gave me a sheepish look. I gave Daniel a warning glare and stormed towards the incoming car.

The car stopped in front of the makeshift gate and a feminine voice wailed loudly.

"Please?! Is anyone there?!" She sobbed.

"Hello?" I answered carefully.

"HELP ME!" She shrieked even louder.

"What's wrong?"

Her loud sobbing has turned into inhuman screams. "Please.." She moaned.

Sighing in defeat at her distress I started to pull open the gate. Hunter had appeared out of no where, his face grave. Even little Zoey's face was narrowed in thought. But those two were my only audience.

Even open a crack, a blonde bombshell bolted through and fell into my arms. She sobbed heavily onto my shirt and I looked at Hunter in annoyance. He came to my recuse and tugged at the girls arm. She pulled away and looked at him.

"Thank you," She whispered, calmer.

"Darling," Hunter started in a quiet voice I'd never heard him use before, "What's your name?"


Hunter scoffed and I knew he was back to normal. Candy gave him wide eyes and he froze. Talk about awkward..

Zoey appeared next to Candy and grabbed her hand.

"Come on," Zoey whispered.

"Wh- What?" Candy stammered, staring at the wide blue eyes that were scarily similar to her own.

"Just come," Zoey tugged harder and eventually dragged Candy away.

I gave Hunter a sad look.

"Meeting, Hunter," I told him before setting off towards the barely used cafe, leaving Hunter behind me.


I sat at the head of a few tables we had pushed together, since I had been assigned as the unofficial leader of our group.

Ava sat on my right, and Darius on my left. Hunter was next to Ava and Felix was next to Darius. Casually I stood up.

"Day nine is coming to an end," I stared gravely, "First, Ava? Food?"

I quickly sat and Ava stood.

"We had a lot, but I'm getting worried. With more people here, we need to be very careful," Ava reported and took her seat.

I got to my feet again, and directed my attention to Darius. "What are you picking up?"

We continued the same, speaker stands routine and Darius spoke carefully. "No. Many places have been raided."

"And the defenses?" I asked Hunter and Felix.

"Fine," They muttered quietly.

I rolled my eyes and started on the main reason for calling them here.

"Four 'newbies' in a day. We can't keep that up," I said.

"Thought you wanted as many survivors as possible?" Hunter challenged.

"Sure, but remember, we have to survive too."

"That's pretty heartless."

"You'd know."

"Guys!" Dar cried, "Seriously? Shut up. We have more important things to discuss."

Hunter and I sighed in defeat and I continued.

"Family of three, Daniel, Catherine and Zoey Hills, and Candy."

"What's the deal with you and Daniel?" Hunter muttered angrily.

Ava looked up, hurt flashing across her face.

Feeling pressured from all four eyes on me, I caved.

"He killed Evie," I murmured sadly and Ava whined.


Super late update. Sorry. :/ My Nannas in hospital. Heart problems. Means after school, and if I'm working after work, I go straight there, stay till visitors hours close and come home and go to sleep. So yeah, sorry.

Also, boring chapter.. I'm trying to skip as fast as possible through the boring parts but it was mostly something to introduce some more people.

Much love,



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