Chapter Four - Run, Baby, Run

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I was still sobbing when Ava shoved me into my car. We have spent a good 15 minutes searching every inch of my house for useful supplies. Our top find being my dads 4 guns. One very large shotgun, and a slightly smaller one, and two dangerous looking pistols all complete with boxes and boxes of seemingly endless bullets. Ava picked up the most sinister looking knives from the kitchen, knives I didn't even realize we had. And I found an old rusted axe and a baseball bat hidden in the depths of my garage.

We cleaned out my kitchen grabbing as many non-perishables as possible and a couple bottle of water and also cleared my whole medicine cabinet and grabbed a first aid kit for good measure. All the food and medicine went in one backpack which Ava icarried and I had a backpack with a few changes of clothes for both of us. Before we left, we both changed clothes because mine were slightly bloody and put on our sneakers.

I grabbed my stack of cash as well, as we were going to hit the grocery stores and stock up on water and food, before the zombies invaded them too.

Ava stared straight ahead, not looking at me as I cried loudly. After a few minutes, Ava turned to glare dangerously at me.

"Get a grip," she hissed, turning back to watch the road. Listening to her I took deep breaths to calm myself and stop the tears.

After I was calm to Ava's satisfaction, she started questioning me. "Where should we avoid?"

"Hospitals and doctors offices. If the drug cause this, the zombies would be there. Once they finish snaking on doctors, nurses and other patients, hoards of them will swarm the town."

Ava nodded, happy with my answer. "What if they're already done with the hospitals?"

"I doubt it. My d-.. He turned maybe one or two hours ago? They can't be done."

"What do we need to buy?"

"Lots of water! And plenty of non-perishable food too."

"Then what do we do?"

I gave Ava a glance. "I don't know."

Ava grinned and pulled into the parking lot of our local grocery store, parking our car closest to the entrance.

"Leave bags here," I ordered. Ava tossed me one of the pistols, fully loaded, and a box of extra bullets to tuck into my pocket. Half hiding the gun under my shirt, I sighed. I tucked my cash into my other pocket and started towards the double doors leading inside. I knew Ava was similarly armed as me and we stormed into the store.

"Hasn't been touched," Ava whispered looking around.

"Well spotted, Captain Obvious," I muttered sarcastically.

Ava gave me a "look" and we grabbed a trolley and strolled into the store.

"Water first," I said. Ava nodded in agreement.

After the bottom half of our trolley was covered in bottled water, we drifted over to canned food and grabbed plenty of it. Just as we were walking to the checkout I spotted a small in store chemist and ran over to grab plenty of medical supplies and medicine.

The girl at the checkout was looking at Ava and I in confusion but continued to silently do her job. I paid quickly and we rushed outside. Chucking most of the stuff into the boot, we were on the road pretty fast.

"Gas," Ava muttered angrily. And pulled into a gas station. She stocked the car and grabbed a few extra tins for good measure. As she went inside to pay, I leant back and sighed.

Mum.. Dad.. I hope you guys are okay, whenever you are.

Ava returned and we continued driving. Suddenly I recognized the route.

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