Chapter 17- My Everything

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I sit in the big, leather arm chair reading a book intently. The living room is completely silent, except for the quiet ticking of the modern, grandfather clock near the couch. I sit with my legs tucked up in the chair beside me, a small bowl of baby carrots in my lap.

I found a book in Harry's library that looked pretty interesting, so I decided to pass the time by reading it. I flip through the pages as I read about the progression of modern art, eating a carrot every so often. But as fascinating as this book is, I still wish Harry was finished with his work for today. I wonder why he wanted me to stay home from class if he knew he was going to be caught up with work all day. Maybe something came up at the last minute.

As I continue to read, I begin to think about Nikki. I feel bad about the way I treated her and... Zeke? Zach? Whatever. But she still shouldn't have kept this from me. That's what is making me the most upset about the whole situation. But then again, if none of this would have happened, would I have even told her about Harry? Yikes, I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't have been so tough on the poor girl.

I close the book, realizing that I am just reading words and not processing them as my mind reels about my best friend. I finish my last carrot and stand up, setting the book on the end table. I desperately need some fresh air.

I go to the kitchen and dispose of my bowl into the sink, which is quickly washed by Ms. Peterson. I watch her with a smile, fascinated by her work ethic.

"Excuse me, Ms. Peterson?"

She turns around and smiles warmly at me.

"Yes, Louis?"

"If Harry asks, could you please tell him I went outside for a walk?"

She smiles and nods in response.

"Of course, dear," she says, turning back around to tidy up the granite counter top. I turn to walk back out of the kitchen.

"Thank you!"

I navigate my way to a lovely sitting room at the back of the house after throwing on a sweatshirt and grabbing my shoes. The room is very clean-looking, everything mainly being white, a pop of color here and there. There are sliding glass doors at the back of the room that lead outside. I drop my shoes to the floor and quickly slip them on. I slide the glass door open and step out into the cool, October air. I close the door behind me and tuck my hands in the front pocket of my sweatshirt. And then, I begin to just walk.

The back of the house is just as gorgeous as the front. The landscaping is stunning and there is tons of property to roam. I step off of the patio and begin to walk through the damp grass. The cool air feels good with every breath I draw in. I think best when I am outside. The grass begins to get taller as I walk further and further away from the house, the weeds now up to my hips. This field is like something out of a book. Even though the grass is beginning to die from the winter temperatures approaching, it's still beautiful. It is the type of marvelous thing that you still see beauty in through all of its faults. I smile a little to myself. My feelings toward this imperfect field, match my feelings toward my imperfect boyfriend.


It still gets to me.

I make my way towards the edge of the field, where a rather steep drop-off is. I take a seat in the shorter grass towards the cliff, criss-crossing my legs beneath me. The view of the city is breathtaking. Harry lives above it all. Not just socially and financially, but his house
is literally built on top of the highest point in London, overlooking the entire city. He is one successful man, and he deserves every ounce of recognition that he receives. I look up to him in a way. Hard work and dedication brought him to where he is today. He has worked extremely hard for every little thing that he has.

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