Chapter 24- One Step Closer

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Harry stares me in the eyes with an intense, worrisome gaze. I can tell that he is bracing himself for whatever my reaction may be. The terrible news finally processes in my mind and suddenly, my whole world is crumbling to pieces.

I begin to slowly slide down off of the chair, my eyes filling with tears. My body goes numb, starting at my toes and working its way up, leaving my arms and legs useless and unable to perform any desirable movement. My eyes feel extremely heavy as a single tear falls down my cheek and drips down onto the wooden floor. Harry quickly grabs me, attempting to hold me up as I crumple off of the kitchen stool.

"Louis! Louis, stay with me!" Harry pleads, trying to keep me from falling out of consciousness. I feel Nikki's cold hands under my arms as she helps Harry in keeping me upright. It is nonetheless comforting having her here as well, but nothing is going to keep me from falling off the edge this time.

I let out a strangled cry, my gaze locked on the kitchen wall, startling both sets of hands that are desperately trying to hold me up. I slip out of their grip and slide down onto the cold, hardwood floor with a sob. My vision is blurry as I begin to crawl across the kitchen, my arms ready to give out at any second.

"LOTTIE! DAVID I- PLEASE WHY?!" I sob loudly, my screams echoing throughout the large house. My nails scrape at the perfectly polished, wooden floor, leaving white scratch marks across the warm, cherry-hued surface. I hear hurried footsteps approaching me and I let out a loud cry knowing exactly who it is.

"Louis, baby, please calm down," the deep voice begs as large hands capture my body. I dig my nails into the wood as Harry drags me backwards to him by my torso, causing more deep scratches to appear under my hands.

I look up to find a tall, dark figure standing above me, my vision blurry from the tears.


He stands and stares down at me blankly, completely expressionless. I stare back at him suspiciously before another wave of panic about my sister rips through my body.

"NO! NO! NO!!!" I sob, shaking my head wildly. "I HAVE TO FIND HER, HARRY! PLEASE, LET ME GO!" I cry out, hot tears burning my cheeks as Harry holds me to him.

"Louis, you can't go yourself to find her!" Harry scolds as I hear the muffled voices of the security team filing into the kitchen to investigate the commotion.

"HARRY!" I choke out, my eyes shut tight. "PLEASE, HARRY!" I scream one last time before my voice cracks and gives out. I continue to cry, but my sobs are silent as Harry grabs my jaw, forcing me to look at him. I open my eyes to meet his heated gaze. He takes a deep breath before he speaks.

"Louis, you are NOT allowed to go out on your own and find her, do you understand?!" Harry says firmly, and I can tell that it is not a question.

"You do not know where David is, you do not know where he is keeping Lottie, and you do NOT know how to solve this problem!!!Understood?!" he yells at me, the volume of his voice increasing with every word. I stare at him blankly, tears rolling down my face before I nod slightly. I glance over at Nikki who is standing at the counter, her eyes sparkly with tears. Harry quickly scoops me up in his arms and stands up, walking over to the security team. I fight to stay awake as I listen to his muffled voice in my ears, barking orders at the men.

"I need you to contact the police, contact the Tomlinson's, get a search team, ground and aerial. I need every bit of background information on this "David" that you can possibly find," he rambles on quickly, clearly stating his demands.

"Call in the other team, as well. I need you to keep the house surrounded. This one has his ways," Harry says quietly, obviously referring to not letting me escape. I listen to the heavy boots of the security team run off as Harry quickly whisks me away into the foyer.

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