Chapter 29- Hell

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Louis' POV:

I sit on the couch in Harry's living room, watching him pace back and forth angrily. He walks with his hands laced together behind his back, his jaw clenched tight. He occasionally licks his lips as he paces one way, before turning on his heel and walking in the other direction.

"Harry, I-"

"SHUT UP!" he screams at me, causing me to cringe and swallow hard. I close my eyes tight, shaking my head as I try not to cry. I simply decide that a small nod will suffice in showing that I understand.

"Good," he says softly, yet firmly, as he continues to pace back and forth. I watch him, my eyes following his every movement as he walks swiftly in the same pattern each time; taking the exact number of steps in each direction. I can almost see the gears turning in his head.

Finally, he locks eyes with me and slowly walks over, sitting in the armchair in front of me. I gulp, making awkward eye contact, my body breaking into a cold sweat. He simply sits down, crosses his legs, and strokes his bottom lip with his index finger, not taking his eyes off of me. He rests his elbow on the arm of the chair while his other hand grips tightly onto the other armrest. I watch as his long fingers tap in a hypnotizing rhythm on the cool leather. I allow my eyes to gravitate down to the floor, only to be screamed at.

"DID I SAY THAT YOU COULD LOOK AWAY FROM ME?!" he screams loudly, causing me to jump. My hands shake as I look back up at him. He stares at me intensely, his angry, green gaze burning a hole right through me. His pupils are large and dilated, making him look very animalistic. I keep my eyes locked on his, my whole body trembling in fear.

"I'm sorry," I whisper so quietly that I'm not sure the words even escaped my lips.

"Excuse me?" Harry asks, sarcastically putting his hand up to his ear, pretending that he didn't hear me when I know damn right that he did. I swallow hard and take a deep breath, trying my best to keep my lip from quivering.

"I am sorry," I repeat, the slightest bit louder. Harry chuckles deviously and shakes his head, looking at me intensely. He shifts around in his chair with a wide, sarcastic smile plastered on his face.

"I believe it is a bit too late for sorry's, don't you agree, Mr. Tomlinson?" he asks, blinking quickly. My heart sinks at his usage of my formal name, suddenly feeling so distant from him.

"All it has ever been is sorry, sorry, sorry, since day one," he rambles on, stroking his bottom lip gently. "Sorry only means so much when you have to use it as frequently as you do," he adds, glaring at me heatedly. I gulp and reposition on the couch, not taking my eyes off of his. I manage a small nod, accepting that I am unable to form words right now.

I refuse to cry in front of him anymore.

"And well, you have really fucked up this time, now haven't you?" he asks, amusement staining his mocking voice. A small smile plays on his lips as he stares me down. I hesitate before nodding slightly again.

"And now, you're going to be a father! Congratulations, Mr. Tomlinson!" he says in a sarcastically cheerful tone, smiling wide and standing up. My heart drops to my stomach at his words, my heart rate accelerating quickly in fear.

How does he know about this?

And why is he so content with it?

"Wh- What?!" I manage to squeak out, my voice cracking from the overwhelming urge to cry that has been taunting me for the past couple of minutes. He looks at me seriously, blinking quickly in confusion.

"I said, you are going to be a father! Congratulations!" he repeats, a bit louder this time so he is almost shouting it. I blink at him in disbelief, tears quickly filling my wide eyes.

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