Chapter 6- City of Lights

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I walk along the cobblestone sidewalk, my hand in his. He swings our hands together as he walks, so gracefully. I smile up at him, hoping to meet his gaze, but his hair hangs in his face.

He is beautiful.

We continue to walk at a leisurely pace in the cool, Paris weather. His large hand fits perfectly in mine and it feels so right. He strokes my hand with his thumb, causing a childish grin to spread across my lips.

We walk up onto a beautiful bridge, the water glistening peacefully, reflecting the light from the sunset. He turns me to face the railing and stands with his front pressed to my back.

It feels so right.

He runs his hands up my thighs and onto my hips as I watch the sunset, the Eiffel Tower standing magnificently in the distance. His hands slowly trail up my body until one reaches the back of my head. He turns my head and quickly presses his lips to mine, my eyes closing as he does.

Our tongues dance in perfect rhythm together as his other hand finds my hip again. He pulls me closer to him so our bodies are pressed together. My body feels so small pressed against his. He gently bites on my bottom lip and I open my eyes to meet his beautiful gaze. I let a groan escape my lips and he closes his eyes in response. I can feel the effect of my moans on him; his aroused crotch firm against mine. I moan again.

"Lou," he moans, trailing kisses along my jawline and to my ear.

"I love you," he whispers quietly in my ear. . .


My beautiful dream starts to quickly fade away as I feel someone shaking my shoulders.


I open my eyes suddenly, startled to see Nikki, tears flowing uncontrollably from her eyes.

"Louis! Louis!!! Louis, wake up!" she says frantically as I blink, regaining my senses as I wake up.

"Nikki, what's wrong?!" I ask extremely worried, my voice raspy from just waking up. My heart begins to race, worried that something bad has happened.

She starts laughing as she cries and lets go of my shoulders, pulling me into a tight, shaky embrace. I blink confused and wrap my arms around her. She laughs so hard and sniffles.

"Louis!!!!! Louis, you won!!!! You really... WON!!!!!" she screams at me, looking at me wide-eyed, a huge smile plastered on her face.

I am really confused for a second until the reality of the situation dawns on me. I suddenly feel like I have been hit by a truck.


My heart races crazily as I gape at her in absolute shock. I am completely speechless.

Surely, she doesn't mean that I won the contest.

Surely, this must be a mistake.

I blink at her, my eyes wide, not even close to finding the words to say.

"I, I... I, uh, Nik, there, I, um..." I stutter, currently not having the ability to form words. My hands shake and my mouth is hung open.

She laughs hard at me and then quickly wipes her tears. She grabs my face and stares at me.

"You won! You won the contest, Lou!!!! The email is on the computer!!!!!" she says excitedly, tears still running down her cheeks. I swallow hard and tears begin to well up in my eyes, my stomach doing backflips.

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