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Thank god, Valentine's Day is over and done with.

I would rather cut off all of my limbs and pay someone to beat me with each of them in five minute intervals.

I basically locked myself in my room and refused to get out of bed all day.

Of course, I wouldn't let my hate for the damn holiday get in the way of my chivalry.

I had red roses delivered to the apartment today for Nikki, and I also bought her some chocolate.

I mean, common. Who doesn't love chocolate?

And we live in the same apartment, so, her chocolate will slowly become my chocolate, too.

Win-win situation, you could say.

I won't lie and say that the red roses didn't make me think of the blue ones Harry sent me while we were in Paris.

Because they did.

Lying in bed all day only caused my thoughts to become louder, thinking of what Harry and I could have been doing today if we were still in each other's lives.

I wonder if he is spoiling another man today.

A part of me is saying to put on my high heels, eat some chocolate, and throw the middle finger to any passerby's, not giving a fuck about what Harry is doing today.

And another part of me really hopes that he is just as miserable as I am.

Always In My HeartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang