Chapter 7- A Mother's Love

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I sit at my gate in the airport, my hand supporting my head. I keep dozing off and then jolting awake every time someone walks by rolling a suitcase. I blink sleepily and check my phone for the time, '5:57' shines brightly on the screen.

God, it's too early.

Nikki reaches over and puts her hand on my thigh, smiling lovingly at me. I smile back at her warmly, blinking drowsily.

She had to fight to get a gate pass, giving her the ability to be with me at the gate until I board my plane. It's comforting having her here with me. I put my hand over top of hers and close my eyes sleepily, leaning my head back.


"Hm?" I say, not opening my eyes but raising my eyebrows to let her know I'm listening.

"You look miserable."

I laugh out loud. Sometimes she's so blunt.

"Well gee, thanks," I say, opening my eyes to look at her, amused.

She squints her eyes and swats me playfully. I jokingly hold my hands up in front of my face to hide from her.

"Oh, Lou, you know what I mean. I just mean that you look extremely tired." I smile and nod, closing my eyes again, folding my hands in my lap.

"Very, very tired," I respond in a grumbly tone.

She pats my thigh and lays her head on my shoulder.

"Well, feel free to doze-off. I'll listen for your plane to be called," she offers, nuzzling my neck with her nose. I smile.

"Sounds like a deal," I say with my eyes closed, before quickly drifting off. . .

I am standing in a museum surrounded by many famous individuals, chatting happily with each other. Champagne is being consumed faster than the air is being inhaled. The volume of the room has gradually begun to increase as more and more alcohol is being downed.

I talk about the inspiration for my painting with a small group of men in tuxedos. They listen closely to me, obviously fascinated by my words. I talk expressively and passionately about my painting.

As I talk, I see the men's eyes gravitate towards something behind me. Before I can even blink, a strong set of arms wraps around my waist, pulling my back close against the person's front.

"Lou," the deep, voice of a man moans seductively in my ear.

The person quickly turns me around so I am nose to nose with them and I meet a familiar gaze. A wide smile spreads across my face as the man runs his hands up and down my body. I bite my lip in response to his fiery touch, feeling a strong, warm sensation build in my pants.

The man must sense my arousal because he begins to run his hand, oh so slowly, so painfully slow, up my thigh. Suddenly, we are the only ones in the room.

I bite my lip hard, feeling his hand get closer and closer to exactly where I want it to be.

Oh, please!

And just as his hand reaches the apex of my thigh, this beautiful moment quickly melts away. . .

"Lou, they're calling your flight. It's time for you to go!" Nikki says, gently shaking my thigh to wake me up. I blink at her sleepily, before looking down in horror. My arousal from the dream must have clawed its way out to reality. I quickly, but subtly, cover up my crotch with my over the shoulder, carry-on bag as I stand up.

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