Chapter 27- Closure

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I walk through the dark woods, a fearful chill being sent down my spine as dry weeds and twigs crack beneath my feet. My heart races faster and faster with every step I take in the cool night. My eyes widen in fear as I hear a twig pop and snap behind me, all of the air being ripped from my body.

I dart off quickly, running through the forest as I listen to the acceleration of the footsteps chasing after me. I breathe hard in terror, running even faster. My breath hitches in the back of my throat as I hear a familiar voice calling for me.

"Louis!" the raspy voice echoes through the forest, sounding as if they are crying. I know that I am unable to turn around because of the person chasing me. I swallow hard and breathe frantically, hopping over branches and logs as I run through the thick forest.

"LOUIS!" the voice sobs again, making my heart sink into my stomach. I keep running, shakily clenching my fists in frustration.

"LOUIS, PLEASE! OH, PLEASE HELP ME!" the voice screams, echoing loudly through the trees. I quickly stop running and turn around as tears flood my eyes and stream down my face.

"HARRY!" I cry back in response, gasping as I see the person running furiously after me.



I wake up quickly with a choked gasp, my eyes wide and my breathing irregular. My body has broken into a cold sweat, covering my hot skin in enveloping heat. I lay my head gently back down on the pillow, running shaky hands up my face as I attempt to calm myself down.

The early morning light shines brightly through the small window on the opposite wall of the bed. The sunshine tickles my face and almost blinds me if I happen to look directly at the window.

I have no idea how long I have slept, but I feel like I could sleep another twelve hours with ease. I stretch with a yawn, extending my arms and legs outward. My heart crashes into the pit of my stomach as memories of the night previous begin to flood my mind. My breathing accelerates in fear as I slowly turn my head to find a naked, sleeping Nikki next to me. My eyes widen and I quickly scramble out of bed, tripping and falling to the floor as I scoot away from the bed in terror.

Please, tell me that we didn't do what it looks like.

Please, tell me this is a nightmare.

My heart races dangerously fast in my chest, feeling as if it could burst at any second. I frantically glance around the room, my eyes searching for any evidence of last night's events.

There is an empty whiskey bottle sitting on my nightstand, as well as a broken cocktail glass. The lamp that usually sits on the nightstand is lying on the floor, the bulb shattered across the hardwood. I look down at my naked body, feeling an awful ache in my skull, more than likely a migraine from being hungover. I massage my temples with my index and middle fingers as I sit on the cold hardwood, feeling so woozy. I pray that me and Nikki's nudity isn't a result of sinful actions that we took part in. I swallow hard, my heart racing in fear.

I use the mattress to steady myself as I stand up, my legs feeling extremely wobbly and weak. My migraine becomes even worse when I stand up, sending a sharp pain through my head. I quickly grab my head in my hands, seething through my teeth in pain. When I lift my arms to my head, I feel a strange discomfort on my back that I first believe to be my imagination. But when I repeat the same action, I realize that something is definitely causing me pain on my back.

I walk carefully across the bedroom, avoiding any broken glass. My head feels extremely heavy on my shoulders as I walk to the bathroom, opening the door with a slight creak. I walk into the bathroom, wincing as my feet connect with the cold tile. The bright light from outside shines into the bathroom beautifully, lighting up the small room with an intricate pattern from the half-open blinds.

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