Chapter 20- Pain

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I try to open my eyes, but my eyelids feel like weights, refusing to cooperate. I attempt to move but still, my body is fighting my every intention.

"Louis! Louis, please wake up!" Harry's voice is muffled in my ears. I can feel his strong hands on my shoulders, occasionally shaking me. I feel so exhausted, yet so worry-free at the same time. It's bitter sweet, to be honest. Harry's voice progressively gets louder and clearer.

"Louis! Wake up! You need to wake up now!" he shouts, shaking my shoulders once more. And all at once, my eyes fly open to see a naked, concerned Harry. I blink wildly, looking around the room, and then up at the television. When I see the title of the story being covered at the bottom of the screen, it all floods back to me, so quickly. I sit up and feel myself fall apart, piece by piece. I begin to sob and wail, my cries echoing loudly throughout the bedroom.

I stand up unsteadily off of the bed, catching myself from falling over on the nightstand. My cheeks burn from the hot tears that continue to pour down my face.

"Harry! We need to go!" I shout, sobbing loudly. I hold onto the wall as I attempt to bend down and pick up my clothes. I hear the bed creak as Harry quickly stands up and rushes over to me. He supports me by holding onto my arm as I step into my boxers. Well, Harry's boxers, that is. I have practically been living in his clothes since I first spent the night here. My voice is hoarse and shaky as I cry. Harry tries hard to calm me down and get me to relax.

"Louis, settle down. Everything is going to be alright. We will find her, I promise," he says, softly and calmly. I furiously shake my head and continue to sob. I can't help but scream at him.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT, HARRY?! YOU DON'T! SHE COULD BE DEAD, FOR ALL WE KNOW!" I shout at him, taking out all of my anger on this poor man who is only trying to help. He looks at me, appearing hurt by my words. I swallow hard and shake my head, tears dripping to the floor as I pull my pants up. Harry helps me balance, but remains completely silent. I believe he is afraid that I am going to yell at him again. I finish dressing myself completely, looking around frantically.

Who do I call?

Where do I go?

What do I do?!

I look at Harry, my breathing rapid, tears uncontrollably running down my face. He looks me in the eyes, not knowing what else to say.

"Harry! What do I do?!" I yell, choking on a sob. He blinks at me, swallowing hard as he does.

"Louis, I..." he says, his voice shaking. He looks frustrated, as well, probably because he has no idea of how to help. Then, I know who I need to call back. I remember he called me before I blacked out.


I quickly scramble over to the bed, frantically digging through the sheets for my phone. I attempt to hurriedly redial the number that he had called me from a few moments ago. My hands are shaking so bad that it is very difficult for me to retrieve the number in my recents. My mind is reeling and my heart feels like it is going to explode out of my chest. I can't help but think of worst case scenarios as I hold the phone up to my ear. After a few seconds, I hear the relieving sound of the call being answered.

"Louis!" Zayn shouts into the phone. I swallow hard and put my hand over my eyes, desperately trying to find the strength to respond.

"Zayn," I croak quietly, trying to keep my sobs silent.

"Louis, oh god! I need you to come to your apartment! I don't know what to do! They have people searching but, I..." he rambles on and on, unsuccessful at holding back panicked tears. He begins to cry, the sound a bit muffled.

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