Chapter 12- Reborn

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I run down a long hallway frantically, my head spinning. I breathe hard from my sporadic running and my fear.

"No, NO!!!" I scream loudly, hearing the man running after me. He's catching up to me. He's getting closer. I can feel it. I can almost feel his hot breath on my neck. I hear vases falling off of tables and shattering as the man runs into them. Soon, all that can be heard is the constant sound of broken glass hitting the hardwood floor.

I am so tired. So, so tired. I begin to slow down, my mind telling me to keep running but my fatigued body holding me back.

"FUCK YOU, LOUIS!" the man screams loudly before tackling me viciously to the floor, causing my head to hit hard off of the ice cold tile. . .

I jolt awake in bed, sitting up wide-eyed. I am absolutely terrified. I am breathing hard and my pajamas are soaked with sweat. I look around the room frantically, so paranoid that the man will somehow sneak out of my dreams and into reality. My eyes well-up with tears and I start to sob into my hands sadly.

I have this nightmare about once a week. It's one of the few reoccurring dreams I have and it's absolutely terrifying. There is truly, nothing scarier than being chased by someone who has intentions of hurting you. I sob hard into the palms of my hands, my tears running down my forearms.

After I calm down a bit and my rapid heart rate slows, I take some deep breaths. By the looks of the dim, deep blue sky outside, it's probably still very early. The color of the sky reminds me of the roses that Harry sent me yesterday. I can't help but smile at the thought of him.

He kissed me! He actually kissed me!

I sniffle and wipe my eyes, thinking of last night and our wonderful evening together. I reach up with tear-covered fingers and touch my lips softly. I run my thumb over my bottom lip gently, remembering Harry touching me like this yesterday. God, I wish he was here right now, but never would I let him see me like this.

I fluff the pillows behind me and lay back, trying to relax. I reach over onto the nightstand and grab my phone to check the time. 5:38. And I have a message from a strange number. I curiously open it:


Today: 5:07 AM

Good morning, Louis!

I haven't been able to sleep much all night, as I have been thinking about our date yesterday. I truthfully miss you already even though I know you're only a few doors down from me. If only I could come hold you and kiss your beautiful lips until you've had enough... That would be amazing.

- H


My heart races in my chest. I cannot believe what I am reading! My stomach twists in excited knots as I reread the message over and over. I quickly add his number to my contacts and jokingly set the contact name as "H."

Wait a minute.

My eyes widen in confusion. How on earth did he get my number?! I type back a response:


To: H

Good morning Harry! You text like you're the queen of england. Don't tell me you are one of those grammar freaks... yikes. lol

I'm a bit confused as to how you got my number though. Dare I ask?


I send the message with a smirk. I hope the whole grammar thing doesn't offend him. After all, he's probably so used to writing business emails that perfect grammar is now a natural thing for him. My phone buzzes on my chest:

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