Chapter 30- Problems

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I sit on the front porch, staring blankly at Harry's text message on the screen of my phone. I shake my leg nervously and bite at my nails, slowly allowing the rocking chair to drift back and forth. My mind is a whirlwind, debating on whether to respond to Harry's message or just flat out ignore him.

The sad part is that I am not going to enjoy either scenario.

My hands shake as I hold the phone, occasionally tapping the screen to brighten it again once it dims. I take deep breaths, attempting to keep myself calm. A part of me feels warm and fuzzy, basking in the realization that Harry didn't completely forget about me. But another part of me is extremely annoyed and angry, pissed that he is crawling back to me with a pity party, as per usual.

He has these awful outbursts, acting like he hates me and wants nothing to do with me, but as soon as he calms down, he turns into an emotional mess, crawling back to me like nothing ever happened. It is the most frustrating thing I have ever had to deal with. It's almost like a small child, trying to act like they never did anything wrong, scared and too stubborn to admit their faults. But I firmly believe that Harry's issues go way beyond feeling fearful or obdurate. I believe that Harry absolutely, one-hundred percent, needs help. He has let this get way out of hand and he no longer can handle his emotions on his own.

I anxiously chew on my bottom lip, my finger hovering over the keyboard, so badly wanting to type a response. I run my hand back through my hair, gently tugging on the locks in frustration.

Maybe I do need to talk to Harry.

Maybe talking to him will be some closure.

I sit up straight in the chair, taking a deep breath before typing a short, quick response underneath of Harry's. My finger freezes before I can press the send button, my mind quickly racing through all of the possible outcomes of me responding.

I mean, what's the worst that could happen?


Today: 8:02 AM

From: H

Louis, we need to talk.


To: H

Uh, why?


I let out a deep sigh and gently set my phone down on the small table next to the rocking chair. I lean my head back, finally relaxing, feeling the slightest bit of relief course through my veins. But at the same time, my conscience mocks me, confused at my calmness.

You have no idea what you are in for.

You just opened a can of worms.

I push these thoughts to the back of my head with some deep breathing, once again maintaining a calm state-of-mind.

But this serenity and relaxation is quickly ripped away from me when I hear the sound of my phone vibrating on the metal table. My heart races wildly as I open my eyes, quickly grabbing the phone and opening the message:


From: H

I just really need to talk to you.

I'm miserable.


My heart lurches as I read the dark, depressing text message contrasting with the brightness of my phone screen. Even though my heart aches the slightest bit for Harry, I do not waste a second to type back a disgusted response:

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