Chapter 13 :: Anger

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Y/n's POV :-

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Y/n's POV :-

I tapped the dry napkin on my wet lips after completing my dinner while my mind was still filled up with Kang Heok Dwa's thoughts. How do I find his men? How do I know if the people around Taehyung belong to Kang or not? How do I complete this mission without getting anyone hurt?

I looked up to look at Taehyung. He was caught eyeing me again. What's wrong with him today? He is stealing glances at me like a puppy. I mentally chuckled at my usages of words for him but I ain't wrong though. He actually looks like a small puppy sometimes when his face becomes soft, eyes wide and lips a little apart.

Today he is extraordinarily quiet and obedient though. No throwing any tantrums or mocking me the way he does. Maybe he is tired or something. For now, I shook away his thoughts and got up from the table to carry my plate to the basin. I was a little surprised when Taehyung too brought his plate right behind me.

Woah! He never does that. Instead, he leaves it on the table for the staff to do the cleaning work.

I frowned when he followed my steps, walking slowly behind me till the bedroom. "What do you want?" I sighed, taking out a towel from the wardrobe. I looked at him from the corner of my eyes and saw panic flow through his facial features. "I? Nothing." He immediately shook his head.

"You waited for me to reach home today. You are extraordinarily quiet and calm today. You are following me behind. There must be something up to that little brain of yours." I turned to look at him. He jolted up his head towards me and I knew I made him angry again. 

"My brain is not little!!" I looked away with a small chuckle. This boy!! He only concentrates on things which requires least attention. "I just-" He started saying and looked here and there. I waited for him to speak. "Namjoon Hyung told me to do this actually." He spoke as if he gave an explanation before.

"I am throwing a reception party after two days." He completed with a sigh and I raised my brows. Party? My brain immediately started jotting down the pros and cons of Taehyung going to a party. "You will have to be beside me….acting like a c-couple." He fumbled with his words and now I got the real idea.

He wanted to throw the party for the corporate world which is quiet understandable. After he got married to me, the media was brewing with different spicy stories of this sudden marriage of the owner of The Bliss, the most eligible man of the town and the younger son of Kim Woo Bin, the elite politician of the country. Of course he would want to clear the rumors to maintain a proper image.

"Why are you thinking so much?" His voice broke my trance and I looked at him again. "Who will be there from your family?" I don't know why but I wanted to know this. "Family? Well…. I only have my Hyung as my family and Jimin too." He spoke with a little sadness in his voice.

"Are you sure you don't have anyone else?" He looked up at me with glaring eyes. I couldn't help but my tone was ice cold. I wanted to speak softly to him but with the mention of family, my voice lost its tiny bit of emotion. "He is not my family!" He almost yelled at me and I knew he realised whom I was talking about. His dad.

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