Part 38 :: One-sided

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The next morning didn't just bring a new day with bright and warm sun rays in Taehyung's life, but it also brought a new hope, a new feeling and a new happiness which he found in her

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The next morning didn't just bring a new day with bright and warm sun rays in Taehyung's life, but it also brought a new hope, a new feeling and a new happiness which he found in her. 

The person who forced herself in his world. The person who stormed inside his usual and normal bachelor life. The person who forced him to marry her. The person who bound his heart to beat at its maximum. The person who made him feel things he never experienced before.

The person who chased him.

The person whom he let chase him.

A soft smile formed on his lips as his eyes settled over her sleeping figure. She had her face turned towards him, her eyes closed while her chest heaving up and down rhythmically as she took soft breaths.

He didn't bother, instead rested his head on his elbow and looked at her face like a lost puppy. Like a person who saw the beauty of the world for the first time. He raised his hand a little and his fingers gently stroked on the apples of her cheeks.

He didn't even blink as he felt the soft texture of her skin under his fingers and then retracted his hand back to its previous position. "I love you." His heart whispered and so did his lips and he couldn't even help the light blush that adorned his cheeks.

Ironic how the person who never bothered to wake up before her was now sleep deprived because of her. Her thoughts never let him be at peace while peace never left him when he was beside her.

Again, ironic.

Taehyung groaned a little as the eggshell along with the yolk and eggwhite fell on the bowl which he tried preventing, while the pancake batter which he had placed over the pan emitted a burning smell.

Guess the idea of making early morning breakfast for her was not good.

"Taehyung?" He turned towards the owner of the soft yet firm voice and found his heartbeats raising again. There Y/n stood, looking at him with her confused gaze. "I was…" Taehyung bit down his lower lip. 

"...trying to make an omelette and pancakes but I guess…" He lifted his hand to scratch the back of his neck in embarrassment while his cheeks reddened more when she gave him a smile. "It's alright. At least you tried." And there again he found his heart hammering against his chest in happiness.

She was his happiness.

Looking at her from behind, he saw how skillfully she cracked the eggs into a bowl before blending the yolk and the eggwhite. He watched her mixing all the ingredients and within the next few minutes, she was already making pancakes.

Her body froze a little after feeling his body attach to her back and he bent a little to tug his chin on her shoulder. She blinked her lashes, trying to shoo away those jittery feelings which grow inside her stomach whenever he reduces the physical distance between them.

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