Chapter 34 :: Worry

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Pain. This is what she felt after she jumped off the running car before it slid off the cliff and fell in the chasm with a blast. Her white shirt soaked with a little blood as her arms were bleeding because of the effect of crashing hard on the rough ground. 

"Noonaaa…" She heard a faint yell from a little distance only to see Jungkook running towards her with a worried face. "Noona! Noona! Ca-Can you hear me?" He crouched down on the ground before pulling her wincing body in his lap and then he tapped her cheeks.

"Id-Idiot….I ain't dead!!" She coughed, rolling her eyes back while letting out a groan. "You are an idiot!!" Jungkook gritted his teeths in sheer anger and blinked his tears away. "How could you accelerate the car loaded with a bomb towards a cliff with you sitting inside? Alive??? Are you freaking crazy or what??"

He yelled at her slightly and she also felt a tear drop rolled down his cheek before landing on her closed eyelid. "Ahhh!! Don't be a crybaby now! I am not dead. Is that not enough?" She sighed before opening her eyes and gave her baby brother a small smile.

"I will cry. I will cry because no matter what I am a human being and not a breathing stone like you." He argued and she sighed. "Yeah fine. Now will you help me get treated?" She winced as she felt pain in every moving part of her body. "You should take me to the hospital but here you are wasting time arguing!!" She flicked her tongue while getting up from the ground slowly.

"Wait let me help you-" "Yaah!! I am fine. You know it's nothing that I can't handle." She glared at Jungkook who shook his head at her stubbornness. She was too hard on herself and he knew it better. Even though she was bleeding from her arms, legs and forehead and even though she was injured and limping towards the car, still she would want to appear strong and unaffected.


"H-Hyung wh-what is he say-saying…" Taehyung was visibly shaking when Jimin unfolded the truth of Y/n being present at the global conference. He immediately pulled out his cell phone and dialled her number while pacing in the living room. "Aahhh!!! Why is her phone switched off?" He groaned in frustration.

"Taehyung calm down first. Jimin, were there any casualties found?" Namjoon directed towards a confused and somewhat worried Jimin who shook his head. "I don't know Hyung….they instructed us to empty the conference room immediately and we weren't allowed to stay there even for a second." He mouthed in a low yet worried voice.

"Then where the hell did she go??? Also her phone is switched off.." Taehyung was growing restless with each passing second. "Hyung I can't wait anymore...I am going there." He declared and walked towards the door not even letting anyone stop him. As soon as he opened the door, he saw her walking inside with Jungkook.

"Y-Y/n.." He gasped, seeing her limping a little, but still she managed to give him a small smile. "You…" He gaped at her face and followed behind her silently as she walked till the living room only to see Jimin and Namjoon there. 

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