Chapter 4 :: Last Hope

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If this guy isn't the hottest one I swear🤩🙊🦋

If this guy isn't the hottest one I swear🤩🙊🦋

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Taehyung's POV :-

I took a deep breath in, frowning to myself because even the fresh air of this outdoor restaurant couldn't give me any relief. Tapping my fingers on the shiny wooden table, I couldn't help but feel a bit anxious about her arrival here.

Why do I feel this excitement when it's about her? And before you think about anything else, this excitement I am talking about is not anything good. It makes me nervous and gives me some chills.

Shaking away my thoughts and especially irrational thoughts, I waited until I saw a familiar figure coming my way. The lady in black. She was wearing a full sleeves black tight dress with a silver brooch on the left side and black heels.

I wonder why she always wears this colour so much. Always. Since the time I met her, I have never seen her wearing any colour other than black. To be honest, even I like this particular colour but not to the extent that I will become obsessed with it.

"Are you lost baby?" She clicked her thumb and middle finger together in front of my eyes, breaking my trance and I kicked myself mentally for letting my eyes wander around her to the extent that I lost my trance because the teasing smirk which was evident on her glossy lips was making me want to pull my hairs out of frustration.

"No I am good." I spoke with gritted teeths, but I need to keep calm. I have to. This is my last try to lure her into giving me back my company. "So.." she leaned forward, putting her hands over the table and my eyes followed her every action. "Why did you want to meet me?" 

"Umm...well to strike a deal with you." I cleared my throat, coming straight to the point. "Deal?" She raised her right brow, with a hint of little amusement in her voice. "Are you in any position to deal with me?" She added cockily and it took everything in me to not lunge at her and strangle her to death.

"Okay, what is it?" She chuckled seeing my poker face and I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. "I am ready to pay you a hefty amount and contractual partnership with your company in return of my company." I breathed out in a go.

It was Namjoon Hyung's idea though because if asked to me, I would never ever want to talk to her, leave alone doing business with her. He also told that he was ready to give me any financial support hence, money wasn't a problem here.

"And why do you think that I would want this deal?" She spoke after a minute's silence and I freaked out. "Because it's a good deal." I was angry.

How can someone refuse such an offer? I am trying my best to keep my patience with you woman! You better not try any stunt on me now. "I refuse." She said bluntly and I clenched my jaws angrily. No you can't refuse! You fucking can't because this is my last hope.

"Whyyyy? It's such a good deal. How can you refuse it? And why would you refuse it? Just to marry me? Seriously?" Every ounce of calmness was leaving my body bit by bit and her calm face with that teasing smile was sending me over the board. She simply nodded, not answering me properly.

"Why are you buzzing with me? Just let me go!" I snarled with deep irritation. The way I desperately wanted to smack away that annoying smirk of her from those plumpy and luscious lips of her was evident through my helpless actions.

"Hmmp.." She smiled. That's getting into my nerves now. That fucking irritating smile of her.

"Not so soon darling. I have so much to do with you and we just got started." Her long, manicured nails trailed the mahogany table lightly and later tapped the smooth surface. 

"You want my money then just take it and leave. Why chase me?" I am losing my patience with her now. If I slam her on this same table and choke her throat then it won't be my fault but hers.

"Oh no no no…! You are mistaken again. I want not just your money…" she laughed and honestly it sounded so evil to me. Her cherry lips, well that might be inviting to other men but to me it's like a foul gutter which can only spit trash.

She pointed her short finger which seemed long because of her nails and then trailed it in the air, down from the top of my head till below my chest and stopped to tilt her head a little. Okay. That's creepy and weird and irritating.

"....I want all of you." She spoke with a crooked smile and this time I looked into her eyes which were jet black. It showed nothing but darkness. How can any pair of eyes be this blank and dark?

"Next time we meet, make sure that you are carrying the marriage papers with a ring and we meet in the church before I kiss you to make you my husband so that you can get back what belongs to you. Okay baby?" I gasped when those words slipped out so easily from her mouth with a tight smile directed at me.

My jaws clenched tightly when her little figure, draped in that tight black dress, stood up and walked out of the restaurant. I eyed her back till she was out of my sight and groaned in anger before stomping down my fist on the table.

I didn't care about the stares which I earned from the rest of the customers present in the restaurant but all that bothered me was the deal which she made with me and how to escape from her.

How can I stop her from chasing me?


Taddaaaa....! So TaeTae tried really hard to escape you but you are a cruel woman🥺
Okay, I know few of you might be hating her character and will hate her in the future chapters too 🙊 but you won't hate her for long
I mean I hope you don't 🌚👀

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