Chapter 21: The Full Moon

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*CW: Sexual Content, Violence, & Suicidal Thoughts*

Disclaimer: Scenes including the underlined content warning(s) have the first and last words bolded. Please read at your own risk.

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December 19th, 1995

Everyone crowded into the Great Hall for dinner. This was the last night before the first group of students went home for the holidays. I left with the Weasleys on the twenty-first. This meant that I was in the second group of students, so I had another night to spare before I left.

Although Draco and Theo were pretty much over what happened three weeks ago, Harry wasn't. We hadn't spoken since the "parents" comment and felt as though there was no need to. Hermione told me that things would've worked out between us eventually, but Harry and I were stubborn, so I doubted it.

Even Ron, who I was on mutual terms with, stopped speaking to me as much. Hermione told me that he thought I "took things too far with mentioning Harry's parents and he doesn't want to surround himself with someone like that"... whatever.

"That's all, students," Umbridge cooed, "I hope that all of you have a very lovely holiday."

"Yeah, if I don't set myself on fire first..." I mumbled underneath my breath.

Umbridge walked away from the podium and returned to her seat. The students took this as dismissal, leaving their seats to return to their common rooms. Usually, Dumbledore gave the holiday speech, but he disappeared again. Personally, I thought he was dead... the bloke was old anyway. But after listening in on the trio's conversations, the probability of that was unlikely.

"Dawn, could you meet me in the common room later?" Hermione asked, standing out of her seat, "I'd like your help with wrapping gifts!"

"Sure, I've just got to finish packing," I beamed, "C'mon, Nev."

Neville and I walked back to the common room. Gryffindor Tower was empty apart from the panicking first and second-years, who were packing their things for home. The two of us pushed past them and upstairs to my dorm. Neville left tomorrow morning with group one, so since he was already prepared for the holiday, he helped me pack for the Weasley's.

"Are you sure that you don't need another trunk?" Neville asked, "How are you going to fit all of your clothes and gifts into this?"

"There's an extension charm on it, Nev," I chuckled, picking out the outfits I wanted to bring, "My mother did it herself."

"Oh, cool!" Neville exclaimed, "Gran makes me carry all of my trunks because she doesn't allow extension charms anymore. One of my uncles disappeared into a bag with an extension charm on it... we haven't seen him since. Although, he was always a bit bonkers..."

"I wish I could do that," I sighed, pointing to my pink trunk, "Just disappear into that thing whenever I feel like it... imagine the amount of people who've built homes inside of trunks or bags using extension charms!"

"Sprout claims that Newt Scamander did it," Neville shrugged, "I wouldn't be surprised after reading his books. Have you read them?"

I shook my head, coughing, "No... no, I don't have an interest in magical creatures, and especially not Fantastic Beasts... or whatever Mr. Scamander called them."

Cedric had a great interest in that book. It was what made him want to be a magizoologist. Again... another touchy subject.

"I don't have much of an interest in them either. I prefer magical plants," Neville assured, "But if you're ever bored, I really do recommend checking it out."

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