Chapter 61: New Beginnings

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Dear Dawn,

I meant to send this letter days ago, but something happened. I've been in a mood because of it, and I'm not sure that I made the right decision, but because of this, I forgot to write your letter, and I apologize. I might as well tell you what it is because if I don't, you're going to bother me until I tell you anyway.

Tonks and I have called off the wedding... and our relationship. The full moon was on the 23rd, and it just got me thinking because she's never lived with me, so she hasn't undergone one of my transformations, and I didn't really want to put that on her. I mean, it was different with Sirius because he was an animagus, but Tonks isn't. She was pretty upset, told me that she didn't care that I was a werewolf, but I ignored her pleas, deciding it was for the best.

Anyways, that whole situation made me a bit upset, but it is nothing to worry about, truly. I apologize that you won't be able to be a bridesmaid anymore, but it was best for the safety of us both.

Also, I know with the rumors running around school is probably terrible, and I just wanted to say that I'm here for you if you need me.

Take care!

- Remus


Dear Remus,

I think you're an idiot.

And things at school are great actually. You claim you broke off your engagement because "it was best for the safety of us both", well guess who I'm talking to again? Yeah, that's right. Neville and I are best mates again, Remus. He is very aware of who my mother is, and how being friends with me puts him in danger, yet he doesn't care.

So if Neville and I can figure it out, I'm sure you and Tonks can too. But you have to stop shutting people out, Remus! I know you've lived alone for fifteen years, but you can't live alone forever, it's unhealthy.

If I were you, I would send Tonks a letter; apologize for what you said and ask her on a date. Like I said before, you're an idiot for what you did, Remus.

Speak to you soon.

- Dawn


January 31st, 1997

"How do you suppose apparition works?" Neville asked, pointing at the poster that hung a couple feet away in the common room.

"You just visualize where you want to go, intend on going there, and hope for the best," I explained nonchalantly, causing a confused expression to grow on Neville's face. I rolled my eyes before explaining, "How do you reckon I escaped the manor Nev?"

"I dunno, never gave it too much thought," Neville shrugged, "But you really apparated on your first time? And did it successfully too?"

I shook my head as I let out a nervous laugh, "It took me like three tries... I think my mindset was like I either try this, and die... or stay, and die... and well, I tried, got severely splinched... took out a whole chunk of my stomach."

"Ouch... do you have a..." Neville hesitated.

"Scar? No... I didn't get one actually," I chuckled, "Mrs. Weasley fixed me up pretty well..."

Neville nodded, laughing nervously, "So, the worst that can happen is that I take out a chunk of my stomach..."

"Or death..." I added quietly, causing Neville's eyes to widen.

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