Chapter 56: Chocolate Frogs

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December 7th, 1996

"Where's Ron?" Hermione asked as Harry and I met her in the courtyard for our monthly Hogsmeade trip.

"He's going with Lavender..." Harry muttered, lowering his head.

"What?" Hermione asked rudely.

"Lavender," I stated, "Ron's going with Lavender, so it's just going to be us three today..."

Hermione let out a loud groan, rolling her eyes, "Right... great, that's just terrific!"

Hermione then spun on her heel and started walking off. Harry and I shot each other a nervous glance before picking up our pace and following her. This was our third Hogsmeade trip of the year... and our first one ever without Ron. Harry and I didn't seem to mind this much, but Hermione complained the whole way over.

"I just don't understand what he sees in her!" Hermione scoffed, "She is absolutely barbaric... I mean, all Ron did third-year was make fun of her and her stupid Divinations obsession... AND SHE STILL THINKS DIVINATIONS IS ANYTHING BUT RUBBISH! HA!"

"Lavender aside, Astrology is pretty wicked..." I hesitated, "And wasn't Professor Trelawney the one who predicted Harry's prophecy... and well, that's all been true so far..."

"Yes, but-" Hermione choked, rolling her eyes, "Enough about Divinations! I just don't like that Ron ditched his friends... us! Are you telling me that you're not bothered?"

Harry and I shot each other a nervous glance before we shook our heads, causing Hermione to let out another loud groan.

"Whatever..." Hermione spat, turning back around.

There was a silence that came over our group as we continued on the path to Hogsmeade. We were all kind of feeling it... jealousy, but Harry felt it the least amount. Ginny and Dean had called it quits a couple days ago after Ginny deemed him "too nice for her liking", making Harry exceptionally happy. I wasn't exactly sure if Neville and Hannah were official yet, but the two were very touchy with one another.

No... they were definitely together... well, maybe not. I hoped that it was not.

"I considered asking him to Slughorn's Christmas party for a small moment..." Hermione seethed, bringing me back from my thoughts, "But then Lavender came along, and well here I am! I'm going with Cormac McLaggen out of all people, maybe that will show Ron!"

"I'm sorry... what?" I questioned, "A Christmas party? Why haven't I heard about this?"

"You had to be a part of the Slug Club to get in..." Harry sighed, "We were allowed a date to the party though."

"Ooh... I assume you're going with Ginny then?" I teased, "Now that she's available and what not..."

Harry pursed his lips, shaking his head, "The Zabini kid asked her before I could..."

"Oh... I apologize about that, Harry..." I consoled, "But hey! You know, you could always go with me!"

I raised my eyebrows at him, hinting at the fact that I wanted him to take me as his date, so that I could've gone to the party. There was no way that Slughorn would've allowed me to waltz right in - he still wasn't fond of me because of the whole "Malfoy" thing.

Harry readjusted the glasses, "Sorry, Dawn... I kind of already asked Luna Lovegood to come with me..."

I placed my hands on my hips, "Why didn't you ask me?"


"I just didn't think about it, my apologies..." Harry shrugged.

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