Chapter 13: For The Nerves

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*CW: Minor Sexual Harassment*

October 2nd, 1995

Considering Dumbledore never announced when Quidditch trials were to take place (because Umbridge interrupted him, and then he disappeared off the face of the planet), Angelina, Gryffindor's Quidditch captain, hosted them today. Most of the house planned to try out, all of them eager to fill Oliver Wood's keeper position.

Currently, I was waiting with Hermione in the common room, hoping to wish Ron luck as he was trying out for keeper.

"Hey guys!" Angelina announced, walking up to Hermione and I, "Are you two planning on trying out today?"

Hermione hastily shook her head, "For the love of Merlin, no! Don't even put a broomstick near me! I'd much rather watch the games!"

"Oh... well, what about you, Dawn?" Angelina asked, "Are you coming to tryouts?"

"Just to watch," I shrugged, "I don't play Quidditch!"

Not only did I not play Quidditch, I hated it. I thought the game was barbaric, unnecessary, and only led to injuries. I didn't remember what first fueled my hatred for Quidditch, but something told me that it dealt with Draco and my childhood. Unlike me, Draco loved Quidditch, so it was only reasonable for him to be Slytherin's seeker. Except for the fact that father bought Draco's way into the team at the beginning of second-year. 

"YOU'RE A LIAR!" Fred shouted, approaching us, "Johnson, I've seen Malfoy on a broomstick, she could definitely make the team!"

"Absolutely not!" I protested, putting my hands on my hips, "Flying a broomstick and avoiding a heavy, metal ball are two completely different things!"

"It's not like you'd be the one avoiding the heavy, metal ball," George shrugged as he joined the four of us, "That's Freddy and I's job anyways."

"Ahh great! I can avoid getting hit by heavy, slightly-softer balls!" I scoffed, "Even better!"

Fred and George looked at each other sinisterly before bursting into laughter. I was confused until I figured out that they were laughing at my "balls" comment.

"Very mature, you two!" I chuckled, rolling my eyes.

Hermione thought to herself before her jaw dropped, "OH MY MERLIN, YOU'RE DISGUSTING! YOU TWO ARE ALMOST ADULTS, HAVE YOU NO SHAME?"

"And have you, Granger, a sense of humor?" George joked.

Hermione rolled her eyes as she turned away from the Weasley twins, both still laughing amongst themselves. Chuckling underneath her breath, Angelina shook her head, and stepped forward.

"Well, Dawn, you should consider trying out next year," Angelina offered, "The three of us are leaving, and we'll need good flyers to replace our spots!"

"She can practice with us this summer," Fred suggested, "You're planning to stay with us, aren't you?"

"I'm not sure yet," I shrugged, "I haven't even heard back from my mother about Christmas!"

"Well, make up your mind soon," Fred urged, widening his eyes at me, "Mum has to disclose information to you about our... holiday home..."

This Christmas, I decided (without my parent's permission) to spend it with my friends at the Burrow, the Weasley's home. Although, Fred made it seem that they weren't spending the holiday there.... Anyways, I made this decision based on the fact that my parents and I left on a bad note, so I knew that they were going to punish me the moment I came home. Besides, I'd much rather spend my Christmas in a crowded home than with my brother and his friends.

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