Chapter 8: Mimbulus Mimbletonia

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September 1st, 1995

"Behave!" Mother scolded as she handed me back my wand.

Before I could've gotten a chance to say goodbye, she pulled Draco into a long, sympathetic hug. I rolled my eyes, grabbing onto my luggage as I left my family, but was quickly stopped by my father.

"Are you going to say goodbye?" He asked.

I looked him up-and-down, not once dropping my guard, before shoving past him, "No."

Leaving my father in utter shock, I quickly shuffled away from my parents and brother. The fear of seeing my father after giving him such attitude prompted me to quickly hand my luggage off, and board the train. I thought I was safe until a pair of hands shoved me, causing me to fall in the middle of the hall.

Draco stepped over me with a smug look on his face, strutting down the hallway to go sit with his friends. I muttered a combination of curse words, thinking of what to say to Draco, but by the time I had the perfect comeback, he was already gone.

"You alright down there?" someone asked.

I looked up, and was greeted by a familiar, tall figure with blonde, curly hair. But instead of the usual mess it was in, his hair was pulled back out of his face, and Trevor, his frog, slept happily on top of it. He was slightly taller than when I saw him last; his shoulders and chest wider. He wore a blue sweater-vest, jeans, new trainers, and carried a giant plant in one of his hands, the other reaching out to help me up.

"Neville!" I exclaimed as I grabbed his hand, recollecting myself, "It's been so- what are you carrying?"

Neville looked at me sideways before answering, "It's a mimbulus mimbletonia plant! I received it over the summer as a gift! I've been taking care of it since, but you've got to be extra careful with it, it's got this wicked crazy defensive mechanism! And I- Oh erm... sorry... got a bit carried away there..."

It must've been my face because I was quite interested in what Neville had to say about his plant, but he stopped so abruptly that I thought it would've been awkward to ask him to continue on with it.

"No... you're fine," I assured stiffly before changing the conversation, "So how have you been? How was your holiday?"

"Yes well, I've been better..." Neville chuckled awkwardly, "What about you? H-How was your summer?"

I rolled my eyes, "Horrible... bloody horrible! I couldn't wait to come back to school..."

"Oh... do you want to talk about it?" Neville asked sincerely. I shook my head in response.

"I'd rather not," I shrugged, "We should go find the others, seats are filling up quickly!"

Neville nodded, following me down the corridor. Personally, I was looking for Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Apart from Harry, who I didn't really catch-up with anyways because we were busy arguing and fighting dementors, I haven't heard from my friends since the end of fourth-year. And quite honestly, their neglect only added to my awful summer.

Eight booths down the hall, Neville and I ran into some familiar faces. I quickly stuck my head into their compartment for an answer.

"Hey, Malfoy! How are you these days!" Fred exclaimed.

"Where are they?" I asked, ignoring his question.

"Well, hello to you too!" Fred scoffed as he stood up from his seat, "Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"

"Fred, c'mon!" I pressed, "Do you know where they are?"

"They're a few more down..." George answered, not looking at us as he was fidgeting with some vibrant-colored box.

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