Chapter 54: Oppugno

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"WEASLEY! WEASLEY! WEASLEY!" the Gryffindor students chanted as Ron hollered in the middle of the common room.

I leaned against a wall as a celebratory party in the common room commenced. Hermione and Harry were nowhere to be seen. According to Ginny, Hermione and Ron got into an altercation after the game. Hermione was still upset about the Felix Felicis, and Ron was upset that Hermione kissed Krum two years ago. I didn't know the exact details because I wasn't there when it happened. I immediately left the changing room once I had finished showering.

"I'm surprised you're standing off to the side..." a voice behind me chuckled, "You scored most of the points today!"

I turned around to see Harry next to me before I spoke, "It's alright... Ron can have his few seconds of fame..."

Harry chuckled softly, "I mean... he played really well today!"

"Yeah because you cheated Harry!" an approaching voice spat. I looked past Harry and saw Hermione storming over to us with her arms crossed.

"Actually, I didn't..." Harry shrugged, pulling a full vial of Felix Felicis from his pocket, "I didn't put anything into his drink..."

Hermione's jaw dropped, "You downright git! You made him think you put it in!"

Harry nodded, placing the vial back into his pocket, "He was on the verge of having a panic attack. Don't blame him, last time we played against Slytherin, they had a whole song dedicated to him..."

Hermione rolled her eyes, leaning against the wall, "Whatever... He's still annoying..."

The three of us stuck out like sore thumbs in the party. Everybody else was so lively while we sat against a wall sulking. Well... Hermione did most of the sulking. I still didn't understand what she was so upset about.

"Are you alright, 'Mione?" I asked.

Hermione nodded, furrowing her eyebrows, "I am fine... I am spectacular, actually! Why wouldn't I be?"

Harry and I exchanged a concerned look before he turned to face her, "'Mione, Ron is not going to snog a bunch of girls to prove a point to you and Ginny..."

"To prove a point?" I questioned.

Harry faced me, waving my question off, "I'll tell you later..."

Suddenly, I heard Hermione let out a quiet sob, pushing off of the wall and booking it for the door. Harry was quick to grab her wrist, preventing her from walking away without an answer.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked quickly as Hermione pushed herself off of him.

"I don't want to watch that!" Hermione protested before she walked off again.

Harry and I turned to face what Hermione was looking at, our jaws dropping. If the hollering and "oohs" from the crowd weren't enough, there... in the middle of the common room... stood Ron and Lavender Brown snogging.

"He's eating her face off..." I scoffed, watching the two.

"Yeah... why is he being so rough..." Harry hesitated, "It's not supposed to be that rough..."

"That's his first kiss, right?" I questioned.

"Mhm... sure..." Harry nodded hesitantly, "I guess he truly meant what he said then..."

"Well, now that 'Mione's gone, what did he say?" I asked, breaking my focus from Ron and Lavender.

"'Mione didn't like the idea of Ron being on Liquid Luck during the game, and Ron got mad at this and asked her why. She said it was because it boosted his ego, and when Ron asked her what that meant... 'Mione refused to answer..." Harry explained.

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