Chapter 113: Where My Story Ends

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*CW: Extreme Violence and Repetition of What Happened In The Last Chapter (Hate Groups, Murder, Attempted Rape, etc.)*

Disclaimer: Scenes including the underlined content warning(s) have the first and last words bolded. Please read at your own risk.

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Walking through the Ministry of Magic beaten, bloodied, handcuffed, and in complete, utter shock was by far the most humbling experience of my life.

The looks from strangers, alone, were enough to make me want to crawl into a hole and die. But the ones from people I recognized from school... Those were the worst. None of them have seen me since the end of the war. A lot could happen in three years, and it obviously did. So, the fact that Hogwarts' top competing student turned deatheater turned apparent criminal was now being waltzed through the Ministry of Magic by an army of aurors probably didn't go over well with most people. I knew that if I was in their situation, I would've reacted similarly.

"Is that Dawn?"

"Oh my Merlin, what happened to her?"

"About time they found and punished her arse."

The whispers didn't bother me. I tuned them out. I was still comprehending what happened in that alleyway. I've killed people in my past, whether it was done willingly or not. However, every single time I've used the killing curse. Never in my life have I done something that violent and vile to another person. Not to say that they didn't deserve it because they did. Those four men sexually and physically assaulted me, so their brutal fate was justified. But how was I supposed to explain this before a court full of men, who probably didn't give a shit?

I didn't know.

Thankfully, I wasn't shoved into the court just yet. The aurors placed me in a holding cell inside Minister Shacklebolt's office. I was quick to notice that the aurors took my wand from the joke shop as well as it was sitting on his desk. Kingsley was a part of the order, so I was hopeful that maybe he would've heard me out. I mean... He was the one that partially pardoned all those deatheaters who "changed their ways after the war" instead of just giving them the death sentence. So, that gave me hope.

Kingsley entered his office, taking a seat at his desk, "Brutally attacking and killing four young, muggleborn adult men... Public nudity and indecency... And failure to comply with the Ministry's orders regarding people of your... Kind."

"What do you mean people of my kind?" I asked rudely.

"Oh, haven't you heard?" Kingsley scoffed, "Due to the attacks of all parties related to Voldemort, past and/or present... Anyone associated with him is not allowed to presume any wizard occupation or hold any Ministry position until the threats have disbanded. This also includes unauthorized magic use, invading wizard spaces, and/or mingling with wizards outside of your direct lineage. So, for you Ms. Riddle, that means anyone other than the Malfoys at this time and moment."


Why have I never heard of this?

"Well, Minister, this is my first-time hearing about any of these rules," I scoffed, "And in my personal opinion, I believe that they're preposterous! I get why you would punish actual deatheaters, but their families? What about the people Voldemort used the imperius curse on? Why are they getting harmed as well?"

"These rules are to prevent harm actually," Kingsley corrected firmly, "Since these laws have been installed, less and less wizards have been targeted by the murderers because they can no longer be traced. However, you, Ms. Riddle, are far from the innocent we speak of."

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