Chapter 14: The Hexed Radio

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*CW: Mentions of Alcoholism*

October 31st, 1995 -  7:00am


Like usual, Hermione's alarm clock awoke the entire dorm. But instead of lying in bed, I got dressed for the day. Today was Halloween, and it was a tradition for the older-years to host a party in the Gryffindor common room while the annual Halloween Feast took place in the Great Hall for all of the younger-years. This year, Hermione and I were in charge of planning it.

"Dawn, are you ready to go?" Hermione asked, barging into the bathroom as I finished with my makeup. 

"You ought to knock before bursting into rooms, 'Mione." I scoffed.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Oh, whatever, are you finished because we have a lot to do today!"

"It is literally seven o'clock in the morning, and the party doesn't start for another thirteen hours-" I groaned, but Hermione didn't hear it as she had already left.

I found her in the common room five minutes later. We were both wearing tees with trackie bottoms, something my mother would've shamed me for wearing. Like most things, it was a muggle clothing item that Hermione had introduced me to, and hid behind my parents back.

Hermione and I walked to the Great Hall for breakfast. It was practically empty when we arrived, except for the couple of seventh-years that attended morning N.E.W.T. study sessions. I had my usual: toast cut into fours, bangers, eggs, a fruit cup, and a glass of pumpkin juice.

"So I was thinking," Hermione began, setting down her fork, "You'll set up the decorations, and I'll take care of everything else."

"Are you sure that you don't want help with music or food?" I asked.

Hermione poked through her eggs, "Well, I planned for Ron to take care of music. The radio barely works as it is, and he's the only one that's been able to figure it out."

I groaned before chowing down on a piece of toast, "That's because the radio only plays wizard bands, and you have to find the wizard channels for it to work. But I've been thinking, what if we played... something else?"

"Like muggle bands?" Hermione questioned cautiously.

I nodded excitedly, "Exactly!"

"Okay, but how exactly are we supposed to do that?" Hermione scoffed, "Muggle technology barely works here as it is, so I doubt that we'll be able to access a muggle radio channel!"

"'Mione, Hannah Abbott hexed Hufflepuff's radio to play muggle music," I said coldly, "If she can figure it out, then we definitely can."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hermione asked.

I defensively threw my hands up in the air, "SHE'S A BLITHERING IDIOT, AND YOU'RE NOT! It must be easy if she figured it out, so why can't we hex our radio?"

"Muggle music isn't even that great," Hermione protested, "Besides, what if we get caught?"

"Who cares if we get caught?" I chuckled, shoving eggs into my mouth, "If we do this, we'll become Gryffindor party-planning legends! Also, what are you talking about? Muggle music is spectacular! Queen is so much better than The Bent-Winged Snitches!"

"Well, yeah because The Bent-Winged Snitches have a lot of controversy surrounding them at the moment." Hermione hesitated.

"When are Americans not controversial, 'Mione?" I scoffed, "What about The Beatles? I'd prefer a Beatles concert or a Weird Sisters one."

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