Chapter 4

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"Hey, Shads, see that green hedgehog over there?" Fleetway asked and interrupted him from his study.

Shadow let out a sigh before turning his head around to look at the hedgehog from a table that Fleetway told him before he turned back and looked at him.

"What's wrong?" Shadow asked curiously.

"I think I've seen him before from somewhere at the park and guess what? I think I'm in love with him!" Fleetway said excitedly as Shadow could have sworn his eyes turned into hearts.

"Hun, you don't even know his name." Rouge said while turning the page of the book.

"But I could at least try right? I'm gonna go and talk to him right now." Fleetway confidently said before standing up.

"Fleet, I don't think that's such a good idea." Mephiles said but Fleetway ignored him and continued walking to the table.

He finally reached the table before putting his hands on the surface as the trio looked at him as Sonic let out a gasp in shock as he knew that he's one of that hedgehog's friends.

'What's he doing here?!' He thought in shock.

"Hi there, fellow juniors. What are you guys studying?" He asked cheerfully and curiously.

"Oh, we're doing a history assignment right now." Silver replied with a smile.

"Hmm, interesting. Hey, you, what's your name?" Fleetway said before asking as he turned to the green hedgehog who looked at him in confusion.

"Me? I'm Scourge." He said in confusion and was even more confused when the senior smirked.

"Well, Scourge, my name's Fleetway. Do you wanna hangout sometimes?" Fleetway asks as his smirk turns into a hopeful smile.

"Um, sure." Scourge said as he was a little more confused.

Fleetway had to stop a scream but screamed happily in his mind and couldn't stop looking and thinking about him.

"Great! I'm from class 11-B if you wanna visit my class. See ya." Fleetway said with a bright smile and returned back to his table.

"Huh, well, that was weird." Scourge said as he was a little confused but went back to studying.

"Sonic, you look pretty tense. Are you afraid of our seniors?" Silver asked in concern when he noticed how tense Sonic was.

"M-Maybe. I don't know." Sonic replied nervously.

Once the school day was over, Sonic told Tails and Knuckles that he will be staying over at Silver's home for a week and they said that it was alright for him to go so he packed some of his stuff and left for Silver's place. He finally made it after a few minutes and was at the front door as the house was pretty big. He gulped slightly since he doesn't think he can behave in such a big house like this. He then took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell and after a few seconds, Silver opened the door and smiled.

"Hi, Sonic. Thanks for staying over." Silver said while he stepped aside as Sonic walked in.

Sonic then started to look around as the house was all white and has some antiques that every big home has. There was even a large portrait of Silver's family and another two with Silver and the other one was someone that looks like him.

"Are you twins?" Sonic asked as he looked at the two portraits while Silver closed the door and nodded.

"Yeah. That one is my older brother. He's having a sleepover over at his friend's house so don't worry about him." He said.

Silver then escorted him to his room which was on the second floor and Sonic saw that Scourge was already there and sitting on an extra bed.

"Silver, do you really have three beds?" Sonic asked curiously as Silver laughed nervously.

"Uh, no. You guys were coming so I told my dad to put two extra beds here before he left." Silver told him as he entered as well.

After that, they all started a conversation which was pretty fun for Sonic. He even attempted to make Scourge laugh but failed so he counterattacked and tickled him only to get a smack on the head in the end.

"Hey, have you guys checked out the school's blog?" Scourge asked as he took out his phone and turned it on.

"No. I didn't know that we have a school blog. What's wrong?" Sonic asked as he was curious.

"Well, it says here that Shadow, the popular student, just rejected a girl." Scourge said as he showed them the description.

"Why is that even posted in the blog?" Silver asked in confusion.

"I don't know and guess who posted it. Fleetway." Scourge said as he had a weirded out look.

"Is there any other info about this popular student?" Sonic asked curiously.

Scourge then kept on scrolling on his phone before stopping at a certain picture before reading it to his friends.

"This was posted last night. Look." Scourge said as he gave them his phone so they could see what was on the blog.

It was a picture of Shadow and Fleetway in a bedroom with another hedgehog they know about. The caption said 'Study group with the famous kid!'. Sonic's heart suddenly started to beat faster. Isn't he the hedgehog that he has a crush on?! Silver and Scourge noticed the expression on Sonic's face and asked what was wrong.

"Um, if this is Fleetway, so, uh, which one of them is named Shadow?" He asked nervously.

Scourge then sat closer to him and pointed to the red striped hedgehog.

"He is and my friend told me that this one is named Mephiles." Scourge said and this revelation caused Sonic to blush yet again.

He just finally realized that his crush is the popular student in school. How can he deal with such a famous student?! There's no way he'll have a chance! He let out a sad soft sigh before giving Scourge his phone back when it suddenly beeped as there was a new update and post.

"Hey, Silver's on the blog." Scourge said in surprise.

Both Sonic and Silver looked at him in surprise and shock before asking what the post was about.

"Looks like Fleetway sneakily took a picture of you last afternoon. Caption says: 'Cutest albino hedgehog in school this year. Still don't know if this hedgehog is a boy or girl though.'" Scourge read the description.

This caused Silver to let out a gasp before covering his face with his pillow as his face was bright red all the way to the tip of his ears. The picture on the blog was Silver smiling in a cute way while putting a book back to a shelf as both Sonic and Scourge admitted in their minds that he does look like a girl in some ways.

"I guess Fleetway runs this blog." Scourge said while turning off his phone.

Meanwhile, Sonic was still in a bit of a daze from the fact that his crush is Shadow. He then thought that it might be a bit risky to be around him since he's really popular. If he even made the wrong move, his face might appear on the blog.

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