Chapter 12

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Both Sonic and Shadow are now in Shadow's room and it wasn't that quiet since they can still hear the music downstairs but it was the only place that Shadow could think of. There's no one else except for them so it will be okay as Sonic's heart was beating faster than before. He almost felt that he might even get a heart attack from it if it continued because he didn't have an idea on why Shadow suddenly suggested that they should go to his room. Is Shadow going to ask him to-?!

Sonic quickly shook his head at the thought to try and stay positive. They only just met though they were already friends for a few days but there was no way that Shadow would actually ask him out right? Plus he's a popular student in school. There's just no way that Shadow would actually like a normal kid like him.

"Um, I know this is awkward." Shadow said to break the silence as he scratched his cheek a little.

"I-Is there something you want to tell me?" Sonic asked curiously after gulping slightly.

Okay, Sonic can't think positively anymore as he thought that Shadow might tell him that he doesn't want to be friends with him anymore since Shadow locked the door and even turned off the lights for reasons. He knew that some of the guests might be looking for him since Shadow wasn't downstairs and that Shadow doesn't want anyone coming to his room even if it's their friends.

Unaware of Sonic, Shadow's real reason is to confess his feelings for him while Sonic was thinking that this might be the last time and last moment where he'll be able to see Shadow again.

Both of their hands were really sweaty and cold due to how nervous they are and the music seemed to get louder outside and almost made the door burst open from the beat. Shadow took a deep breath before he looked Sonic in the eyes before taking his hands in his as this confused Sonic even more. Why did Shadow hold his hands?

"U-Um, Shadow?" Sonic asked nervously.

Sonic starts to blush before turning his face away and even if the room was dark Sonic can feel the warmth in his cheeks was bright enough for Shadow to notice. Shadow did notice the way Sonic kept blushing and turning his head away and it made him hopeful. Did Sonic feel the same?

"Sonic, I know we just met for a few days." Shadow started as Sonic nodded but didn't have courage to look at him as Shadow continued.

"And, um, I have these strange feelings for you." Shadow continued and this made Sonic slowly turn his head towards him before blushing when he realized where this was heading.

"Sonic, I have a crush on you and I really love you." Shadow finally confessed and Sonic went silent at that.

He didn't even know that Shadow would say that and it was actually far from what he expected! His hands start to shake before he can't contain himself anymore before hugging Shadow happily and what surprised him the most was that Shadow hugged back and he can't stop smiling.

"I-I love you too, Shadow." Sonic confessed shyly as Shadow pets his head gently.

"I'm really happy that you accepted me, Sonic." Shadow said as he pulled away slowly as he smiled at him as Sonic blushed before staring at the floor.

"The truth is I've been crushing you since we met at the school field." Sonic said with a shy smile.

Shadow just smiled at him before putting his hand on Sonic's cheek and making him look up at him.

"That's really sweet, Sonic." Shadow said with a smile.

Sonic smiled back before kissing him on the left cheek and making him blush as Shadow kissed him back in the cheek as well and making Sonic giggle before he remembered something.

"Oh! I haven't given you your present yet." Sonic said as he remembered.

"You can just put your present on the table, you know." Shadow told him but this only made Sonic start blushing.

"N-No. Mine can't be put there." Sonic said with a bright blush as Shadow raised an eye ridge and wondered what Sonic meant by that.

Shadow was put into shock and began to blush when Sonic started to remove the sweater that he was wearing and since they were in the bedroom alone with the lights off, it made him think of inappropriate things that Sonic wouldn't want to hear. When Sonic was done taking his sweater off, it showed Sonic's body was wrapped in a red ribbon and had a nice little bow on the lower left of his body.

I-I mean, Fleetway and Scourge were the ones who got this idea and I'm actually happy about it." Sonic said with a light blush as Shadow recovered from his shock.

"You're... giving yourself to me?" Shadow asked in astonishment but he made a mental note to thank both Scourge and Fleetway for this.

Sonic began to blush more before nodding as Shadow approached him with a smile before pulling him into a gentle hug which Sonic returned happily but started to purr when Shadow started to rub his back gently. He then pulled away from the hug with his smirk still present before placing a hand on the little bow and the other on his now blushing boyfriend's shoulder before leaning his face closer which only made Sonic blush a bright red.

"You don't mind if I open my special gift now do you?" Shadow asked gently.

"N-No." Sonic muttered shyly.

Shadow got on his knees and slowly started to unwrap the ribbon from him as he could practically feel the heat emitting from Sonic's body and knew that it can easily make him lose control of himself if he doesn't restrain his urges. After unwrapping the ribbon from Sonic's body, he stood up again before giving him a small yet gentle peck on the lips as Sonic's already blushing face turned on a full red and he had to cover his face as Shadow chuckled softly.

"First kiss?" Shadow asked and his answer was a nod from him and making Shadow chuckle again before holding his hands and putting them down and smiling at him.

"Let's go downstairs now." Shadow suggested as Sonic nodded with a smile.

They both went to the door as Shadow opened it to let Sonic go out first. He followed suit before closing the door behind them as he held Sonic's hand in his and the two walked down the stairs to tell their friends the big news.

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