Chapter 25

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Sonic was sitting alone in class without Silver and Scourge. He felt really lonely and stayed quiet even though the class were all just chatting and doing their thing since the teacher wasn't around for a bit.

He thought that Shadow is alone as well in his class with Fleetway and Mephiles to keep him company but he's popular. Anyone can keep him company if he's alone. Sonic quickly realized that he'd been thinking before shaking his head. He remembered that Shadow doesn't like it if he keeps thinking about that so he stays away from that thought and tries to focus on himself.

Right now, all that he needs to do is focus on his studies and avoid Bryan but he just can't shake the bad feeling that something even worse is about to happen soon. Lunch time finally came and he sat with his friends at the usual table but he was just staring at his lunch which Blaze noticed.

"Sonic, you look really down today. Is there something wrong?" Blaze asked in concern.

"Yeah. You're really blue today. Get it? Because he's-" Knuckles joked but was cut off by Tails.

"We get it, Knuckles." Tails sighed.

"Oh yeah. I haven't seen Scourge for a while now and Silver's gone too. Wonder where they are?" Amy stated in concern.

Tails looked at Sonic who seemed to have tuned them out and could sense that something was bothering him. He rolled his eyes before reaching over and flicking Sonic's forehead and it made Sonic look up in surprise.

"W-What?" He asked in confusion while rubbing his forehead.

"Where's Silver? You were with him last night, weren't you?" Tails asked in suspicion

Sonic began to feel nervous again but it was much worse this time cause his other friends were all staring at him and all wanting the same answer.

"He's just too tired from working on our project." Sonic said as he did his best convincing smile but Tails knows that something isn't right.

He guessed that Sonic doesn't want to talk about it here in the cafeteria before sighing. He's gonna ask him later.

"Alright." Tails said as the others went silent.

They could tell that something was wrong but they don't know what.

The bell rang and everyone stood up to go back to their classes. Before Sonic can leave, Tails grabs his hand and Sonic looks at him to see the serious look on his face.

"Talk to me after school." Tails said sternly but it was laced with concern and worry and it made Sonic gulp before sighing.

He knew that he couldn't keep any secrets from Tails. He's a genius. He only nodded and the two went their separate ways to go back to class. While Sonic was in the corridor to get to class, he felt fear gripped his heart when he saw Bryan was walking in the opposite direction with his friends.

He started to panic because Bryan was getting closer even though Bryan didn't even spare him a glance. Panicking even further, he ran back to the cafeteria and hid behind the door and waited until he and his group walked pass.

Once he knew that Bryan wasn't in the area anymore, he made a quick dash straight to class before the teacher came in. He never felt that kind of panic before and it scared him. He shook his head to try and forget about it but the lingering fear when he saw Bryan just won't go away.

After school, he went home with Tails. Knuckles hadn't come home yet since he was in charge of a gym and the silence was really awkward because Sonic didn't know what to talk about or how he could talk to Tails about it. When they made it home, they sat down on the couch with Tails looking at him in concern.

On the way home, Tails couldn't help but notice the way his friend was glancing at their surroundings as if someone was following them and it made him worry.

Right now, he needs some answers.

"Sonic, care to tell me everything?" Tails questions him.

Sonic stared at him before looking down while letting out a depressed sigh. He nodded before telling Tails about everything that happened to him and his friends for the past few days. Tails observed his explanation in concern but when Sonic explained what really happened to Silver that made him absent at school, Tails gasped in horror and shock. He got a bad feeling from Bryan when he confronted Shadow about being popular the other day but he's even more evil and the fact that he would have a real gun and shoot at Silver was even more worse.

"That's horrible! You should call the police for this kind of situation!" Tails exclaimed as Sonic lowered his ears in worry.

"But we can't and if you get involved in this, you might become his next target! I-I just... I don't want to see you suffer. I-I already h-had enough from seeing t-two of my friends in pain because of him!" Sonic explained as he hugged the couch cushion.

Hearing that, Tails sighs before putting his hand on his chin. This was really troublesome.

"Are you really planning to keep this a secret? Even from Knuckles and the others?" Tails questioned him as he nodded.

"I would love to get involved and help with your problem but it looks like you won't let me. But if there's anything that I can do to help, just let me know. Okay?" Tails smiled reassuringly which helped calm Sonic a bit and he smiled back.

"Okay... Thanks, Tails." Sonic said thankfully.

Suddenly, his phone started to ring before he picked it up and saw that the caller was Shadow.

"Hello?" Sonic answered.

"Hey, Sonic, I need you to stay here."

"Wh- R-Right now?" Sonic asked in concern.

"Yes. I... I don't think I could sleep if you're not with me."

That made Sonic blush lightly. So Shadow kept thinking about him? That's really sweet.

"Okay. I'll be there soon." Sonic said before they both hung up.

Sonic noticed that Tails was staring with a mischievous smirk and he blushed before covering his face with the cushion.

"What's wrong? Was that from Shadow?" Tails teased with a smirk.

"Tails, l-listen. I gotta go to his house. He needs me." Sonic said as he stood up as Tails nodded in understanding but he couldn't help but tease him.

"Right now? Bummer and just when I was gonna tease you about it all night." Tails joked and Sonic chuckled before ruffling the top of his head.

"See ya later, okay? And don't forget to tell Knuckles that he needs a long shower after working out at the gym." Sonic said as he grabbed his bag and went to the door as Tails laughed at that.

"Yeah. Be careful, Sonic!" Tails shout after him.

Sonic gave him a thumbs up with a smile before leaving in a blur of blue to Shadow's house.

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