Chapter 11

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Sonic is being accompanied by Scourge and Fleetway as they were in a knick knack store. They both told Sonic to look around the store while the two talked.

"So you know that Sonic likes Shadow?" Scourge questioned as Fleetway nodded.

"Yeah and Shadow likes him back but they can't seem to even notice each other's feelings." Fleetway said as they both looked at Sonic.

"Do you think there's a way for him to get to Shadow?" Scourge asked as he put his hands on his hips as Fleetway let out a sigh while trying to think of something.

He started to look around the store before finding a display of ribbons before he got an idea and whispered his plan to Scourge who nodded in agreement. After the unusual present hunting, they all met up outside of the mall as Silver and Mephiles were carrying their own gifts that were already wrapped up. Silver is smiling brightly as he is now wearing a green collar with a yellow cat bell on it. The others can't take their eyes off the collar while Mephiles was blushing already by this and looks around.

"Why are you wearing that around your neck?" Scourge asked in bewilderment.

"Oh, this? I thought it's cute and it's like a pet's collar. I really liked it and so Mephiles bought it for me." Silver said with a cheerful tone as they all turned to Mephiles.

They could not believe that he actually bought it for Silver to see him like his pet or something like that.

"Don't stare at me like that." Mephiles said with an embarrassed look on his face.

"So we now got our presents for Shadow right?" Mephiles asked before they all held out their gifts and showed it to each other.

"Yep! Got one right here." Fleetway said with a grin as he held his gift up as well as Scourge.

Though Sonic was the only one with an empty hand and has no presents to which Silver noticed.

"Didn't you buy anything, Sonic?" Silver asked in concern.

"Um, y-yes, I did. I-It was their idea." Sonic said as he started to blush as he pointed to Scourge and Fleetway who both smirked.

"Well, what is it?" Silver then asked curiously and caused his blush to intensify.

"Ribbons." He muttered with a huge blush.

Mephiles and Silver just blinked at that. Out of all the things that the mall has, he bought ribbons as Shadow's present?

"Hehe, we'll explain something to you." Fleetway smirked as the two looked at him curiously.


The following Friday night, Shadow's house was making loud noises and had bright colorful lights from the light setting they set up and it seemed that almost everyone at school came to Shadow's birthday and it was very crowded. They never had this many guests before, even the previous party they held wasn't this crowded. The table next to Shadow's seat was full of presents and he didn't really expect to receive so many.

"Cool party huh?" Rouge asked as she was leaning beside his chair.

"Yeah. It's actually pretty great. Thanks." Shadow said before looking back at the crowd.

He let out a silent sigh since he didn't spot Sonic anywhere and he wanted to meet him there and that will totally complete his party. And speaking of completing his party, a familiar voice shouted out to him.

"Shadow, I brought special guests!" Fleetway exclaimed as Shadow turned to his right to see Fleetway with the trio.

He had to stop himself from gasping in delight when he finally saw Sonic there as the blue hedgehog was smiling at him. Shadow stood up before walking towards them before noticing that Sonic was wearing a sweater and thought that maybe it was due to the chilly night air.

"H-Hi, Shadow." Sonic smiled shyly as Shadow couldn't help but smile back.

"Hey, I'm glad that you three made it. Did Fleetway pick you guys up?" Shadow asked as the trio nodded before Fleetway had an idea and grinned.

Time to initiate a plan to get the two boys alone.

"Hey! Why don't we spend time together? I'll go with Scourge, Mephiles will go with Silver. So that means you two are the only ones left. So, have fun!" Fleetway grinned as the four went with their partners and walked away and out of sight quickly as the duo watched them.

Shadow just blinked at them in confusion as he was really confused on why they suddenly would go away like that when it was his birthday but other than that, he wanted to be alone with Sonic anyway. Said blue hedgehog was blushing hard since this was part of Fleetway's plan.

"U-Um, happy birthday, Shadow." Sonic said shyly with a smile and a hint of a blush as Shadow smiled back at him.

"Thanks, Sonic." Shadow said before his hand was suddenly grabbed by some girls as they dragged him to hang out with them.

Sonic was a little speechless by this since it happened so fast and Shadow was almost out of his sight but it almost made him feel down.

"Come on, Shadow! Let's spin the bottle with the guys!" A girl cheered but Shadow just blinked before instantly digging his shoes on the floor which instantly stopped his movements as the girls tried to make him move much to their dismay and confusion.

"Shadow, why are you stopping?" One of them asked in confusion.

"Sorry but I just want to hang out with my friend for a while." Shadow said as he was able to get his hand free from their grasp.

This made the girls look behind him and saw the blue hedgehog from the post standing where he was and was looking at the carpet as if wanting to be unnoticed as they just blinked in confusion before looking back at Shadow.

"Um, that blue hedgehog over there?"  This made Shadow nod.

"He's the one from Fleetway's post, right? What's even so special about him?" The girl asked with a small sass in her voice and the tone clearly states that Sonic is too lame to hang out with him.

This made something snap in Shadow and it caused him to glare at the girls who were taken back and made them scared. What did they do?!

"He's my friend. Don't you ever bother him." Shadow warned them before turning around and walking back to Sonic who looked up.

"Sorry about that. They want me to play their weird game with them." Shadow said with an apologetic look.

"It's alright, Shadow. You can hang out with them if you want." Sonic said with a polite smile.

Shadow shook his head before taking Sonic's hand which instantly made Sonic blush and caused him to turn his face away to hide it.

"I'll stay with you." Shadow said as Sonic smiled almost instantly at that and nodded his head in agreement as Shadow smiled back as they began to have fun together.

They danced together and ate the cake that Shadow had cut earlier and after a while, Shadow was able to ask Sonic to come with him to his room as Sonic was getting really nervous when he said that. Because it's not only Shadow's room but they would be completely alone together with no one else with them and Shadow wanted to confess to him and this made Sonic think that maybe this was his chance to confess his feelings to Shadow too. The two soon walked upstairs and into Shadow's room. It was time.

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