Chapter 14

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Sonic and Shadow walked out to the backyard and finally found their two friends. Mephiles looked up to see them coming and took notice of how Sonic's face was blushing and the fact that Shadow and Sonic are holding hands that he couldn't help but smirk at them.

"Well, look at the new couple." He joked as both Sonic and Shadow finally arrived and greeted them.

Silver realized that there was something going on and saw the hand holding and started to feel giddy.

"Wait! Sonic is Shadow's boyfriend now?" Silver asked excitedly.

Sonic nodded shyly with a blush with Shadow nodding and smiling. Silver squealed and hugged Sonic tightly and lifted him up and kept congratulating him over and over again before stopping when Mephiles told him.

"Hehe. Thanks, Silver." Sonic said bashfully.

"By the way, have you two been alone together for a while now?" Shadow asked curiously and crossed his arms.

"Yeah since Scourge and Fleetway are still busy with each other." Sonic added.

"I was cornered but he saved me." Silver said before hugging Mephiles' arm which he didn't mind.

Shadow observed the two more closely as if there was something that he could sense but couldn't figure out. They both seemed rather close than ever from before. He thought about it before letting out a smirk when he realized what's going on.

"Oh, couples now?" He teased with his smirk still on.

The two quickly blushed red and Silver hid behind Mephiles who nodded silently.

"Ha, knew it." Shadow chuckled.

Sonic pulled Silver away from behind Mephiles before hugging him and congratulated him the same way Silver did.

Since Scourge and Fleetway didn't know about this yet, they decided to keep it to themselves until school starts again. A little reminder for them that they should probably tell Fleetway not to pause anything about their relationship until they said so. They don't want to cause a riot about this since everyone is calling them popular now.

After the party and all of the guests have gone on back to their home, Shadow insisted on walking Sonic home so they can talk along the way.

"So, are we gonna keep this a secret?" Sonic asked curiously as Shadow turned to him.

"About us? Well, I think I would say yes but I'm afraid of what others might do to you when they find out that you're my boyfriend." Shadow said truthfully with a soft smile.

This caused Sonic to blush almost instantly at that and looked away to hide his blushing face. Shadow saw that before placing a hand on his back and pulled Sonic closer.

This caused Sonic to blush even more and covered his face with his hands. He knows that they're a couple now but he's still not used to being this close to Shadow.

"Don't be so shy around me." Shadow had to fight off a smirk but couldn't stop the smile and pulled him even closer.

"I-It's just that, y-you're really handsome u-up close." Sonic stuttered quietly but Shadow was able to hear him.

"Oh really? Well then, you're really cute up close too." Shadow complimented before kissing his cheek.

This caused Sonic to blush a deeper shade of red and it seemed like he can rival a tomato by how red his face is.

They finally reached the house and Shadow was about to bid Sonic a good night and return home. But before he could leave, Sonic leaned close and gave him a peck to the lips. He pulled away and blushed with a smile as Shadow blushed lightly before Sonic gave him a hug.

The New Student And The Popular Student (Complete)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang