Chapter 24

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"Get inside quick! What the hell happened to him?! Mephiles, get the first aid kit!" Shadow yelled as he immediately let Sonic in with Silver still in his arms.

Mephiles was confused by the yelling and didn't know what was happening only when Sonic entered with Shadow that he saw a sight that made fear grip his heart. Silver was bleeding in Sonic's arms as he froze for a second in shock. He quickly recovered and went to get to the first aid kid. He quickly came back and gave the box to Shadow who started to treat Silver.

It was a tense one hour but Shadow was able to remove the bullet from the wouf and stopped the bleeding. He wrapped Silver's stomach in bandages to avoid infection and they laid him in Mephiles' room to rest before going down the stairs and sat in the living room to calm down.

"What were both of you doing anyway?" Shadow asked Sonic who was still shaking but was calming down.

"We... We were just done v-visiting Scourge. When we were h-heading home, he..." Sonic trailed off and started to shake in fear when the incident earlier came back in his mind.

Shadow saw that he was shaking and sat closer to him before wrapping an arm around him in comfort.

"He?" Shadow urged him gently to continue.

"B-Bryan came out of n-nowhere with h-his friends a-and one of t-them had a g-gun." Sonic trembled and huddled close to Shadow for comfort.

That revelation was enough to make Shadow growl in full anger. He should've known Bryan would do this then he and Mephiles should have gone with them to visit Scourge to keep them safe.

"But why a gun?! Isn't that going too far?!" Mephiles exclaimed in anger as Sonic felt tears start up again.

"I didn't know they even had one! H-His friend suddenly took out the g-gun when we were trying t-to escape and S-Silver was-" Sonic couldn't continue explaining and started to cry.

He's really terrified now and Bryan just made it worse. Imagining your friend getting shot at by a deadly weapon would scare anyone.

"I-I'm sorry! I'm so sorry that I-I couldn't p-protect him! I'm s-so sorry, Mephiles..." Sonic whimpered as Shadow tried to comfort him.

Mephiles sighed and put his hand on his head and thought of what Silver said. He didn't expect that Bryan would really attack Silver so maybe what Silver said the other will really happen.

"It's alright. It's not your fault." Mephiles reassured him.

Shadow is trying to comfort Sonic by hugging him close and petting his quills gently but he couldn't help but be even more worried that Sonic would get hurt net before he realized something.

"But why is Bryan only attacking you guys? If he wanted to attack Fleetway and Mephiles, I would've known since both of them and you are my closest friends but why Scourge and Silver?" Shadow questioned in confusion.

"Silver talked to me about this before at the hospital. He predicted himself to be Bryan's next target but I didn't expect it to be true." Mephiles sighed as he was boiling inside. Bryan would pay for what he did. One way or another.

"Am I next then? Am I going to get attacked like Scourge and Silver?" Sonic whimpered in fear as he trembled and Shadow had to hold him close.

"I hope not. But if he did something to you, promise me that you will tell me." Shadow told him in worry and he nodded while sniffing.

The blue uke's phone suddenly started to ring which startled them a bit before taking it out and checking to see who it was before gasping in realization.

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