Chapter 6

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Sonic then turns his head to Fleetway and calls him before he asks how and why Shadow became popular with a curious look. Fleetway saw the curious look he had and grinned.

"When we were freshmen like you guys, Shadow wasn't really that popular. He was just a normal high school student like us. Have you heard the news that Mobius High was on fire?" Fleetway started before asking as Sonic shook his head since he never knew that and continued to listen.

"Well, it was during the lesson hours. While we were escaping, we just noticed that some students and teachers were still trapped inside. Shadow, without even thinking, went back inside and rescued them all. Then when he finally came back, we were all surprised to see that he turned into a golden super hedgehog like me but was even more powerful and I didn't even know how he did it but he put out the fire with his powers right before the firefighters even came." Fleetway finished explaining as Sonic's eyes shined with admiration since he never knew that Shadow was that powerful and a hero at that.

"So right after that incident, the news had spread really quickly about how heroic and cool Shadow is. Some girls even asked if he could turn into what form again but he always declined. He's always a real gentleman and he's always been really good to others. I mean, look at him now! He's forced to dance with a girl he doesn't even know!" Fleetway exclaimed as he pointed to the crowd.

Sonic took a small glance before letting out a small smile since he's a really nice guy and he offered Sonic to walk beside him earlier instead of being alone at the back. This made his heart instantly beat faster and blushed lightly.

"He's also very attractive." He muttered quietly as he placed his hands on lap.

Shadow finally came back and was greeted by the others and to Sonic's ultimate surprise, Shadow was sitting beside him which also made his heart almost jump out of his chest.

"Rouge said that she's getting us some drinks." Shadow said before letting out a tired sigh as Mephiles turned to him.

"Are you tired?" Mephiles asked in concern.

"Kind of, but don't worry about it." Shadow said as he let out a small tired smile.

Sonic kept looking at him as he really admired him on how he accompanied so many people and not even complained about it. He's really generous. He fidgeted slightly before speaking up.

"S-Shadow?" Sonic managed to call his name as Shadow turned to him.

"Hmm?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Um, is being famous exhausting?" He asked curiously as Shadow nodded.

"It does but I don't really like the famous title. So just consider me as your regular friend, okay?" He smiled at him kindly as Sonic gave a shy smile back.

Sonic began to blush even more before looking back down on his hands on his lap and nodded shyly, unaware that a certain golden hedgehog was watching them. Fleetway kept watch on how Sonic was acting before smirking and started to whisper to Mephiles.

"I think that blue hedgehog has a crush on Shadow." Fleetway whispered as Mephiles became confused.

"What? Why would you even think that?" Mephiles whispered back in confusion.

"The way he talks and acts really nervous around him and even blushing at his side." Fleetway pointed out.

Mephiles quickly gave a small glance towards Sonic before he noticed the blushing face as he whispered back to Fleetway.

"I think you're right." Mephiles whispered.


"Here ya go, boys. I already told my bartenders to make some special drinks just for you all." Rouge said as she came to them and set down the tray with the drinks on the table.

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