Chapter 26

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Sonic finally made it to Shadow's house and knocked on the door before Shadow opened it and let him in.

"Is... there something that you want to tell m-"

Sonic was cut off when Shadow suddenly hugged him tightly. This made him blush instantly and he didn't know if he should hug back or remained like this while his seme hug him.

"Sonic." Shadow suddenly said.

"Y-Yeah?" Sonic replied as his ears twitched towards him curiously.

"I don't know why but I suddenly miss you a lot." Shadow said softly.

Sonic could practically hear his heart beating even faster. He's so embarrassed yet happy that Shadow is being really sweet to him so he hugged back and rubbed his back in comfort.

"Don't worry, Shadow. I'm here." Sonic reassured softly.

Shadow slowly let go but kept his hands around Sonic's waist, keeping him there as he stared at him. Sonic was confused on why Shadow would act like that. Maybe he doesn't want him to get hurt like Scourge and Silver? Shadow suddenly leaned forward and kissed him which shocked Sonic who let out a soft purr through the kiss. It only lasted for a few seconds to almost a minute before they pulled away with Sonic blushing brightly and panting softly as Shadow smirked gently.

"That's all I needed." He said and gave his lips a small peck.

That made Sonic blush even more than before and covered his face with his hands as Shadow let out a soft laugh.

"Why don't you go and see Silver? After that, we can visit Scourge." Shadow suggested and he nodded.

He walked away while blushing. He made it go away when he reached Mephiles' room and knocked on the door. He heard a muffled 'come in' from inside and opened the door and saw Silver laying down on the bed with Mephiles beside him.

"Hey, Silver, how are you?" Sonic greeted him as he closed the door behind him.

"I'm quite good actually. You?" Silver said with a smile.

Sonic sighed and looked down which concerned the two.

"Not really... I should have been the one to get shot at, not you... I'm sorry." Sonic said in shame. He was still feeling guilty for not protecting him.

"Hakuna matata" (AN: XD!!! Sorry I couldn't resist! But I gotta at least lighten the mood for ya, readers! Anyway, back to the story!)

"Hey, no worries. I'm fine." Silver said reassuringly as Sonic smiled at that.

"So, did you tell your family about this?" Sonic asked as Silver smiled nervously.

"Ah, no. But I did call them to let them know that I'm having an emergency project that needs to be finished with some friends. So, in the end, I told them that I'm having a sleepover for a few days." Silver explained.

"Your parents don't mind?" Sonic asked while tilting his head.

"Yeah though, I feel bad for lying to them." Silver sighed as Sonic nodded.

"Yeah... I know how that feels." Sonic said as he looked down before sighing.

"I hope you get well soon. I better go and see Scourge now." Sonic said and Silver nodded.

He went to find Shadow and figured that he would be in his room. He walked to it and opened the door to see him playing a bit with his computer. He just stood by the door before speaking.

"Shadow, can we visit Scourge now?" Sonic wondered.

Shadow turned his head to see Sonic by the door and nodded. He first turned off the computer and got up from his chair.

The New Student And The Popular Student (Complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon