Chapter 28

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Shadow tried to call the unknown number again and again but it didn't work. The sender won't even answer the calls. He was really angry, no, furious right now and he can't calm down. Bryan already made both Scourge and Silver suffer in so much pain and now it was Sonic.

"Shadow, you need to calm down. That's what you've been telling me ever since I saw that Silver got hurt the other day! We need to make a plan first before facing Bryan." Mephiles said as he held Shadow's shoulders but Shadow only growled.

"I'm trying, Mephiles? But I just can't calm down! We better have a plan and fast!" Shadow exclaimed angrily.

"I'll call Fleetway so he can help." Mephiles said as he took out his phone but Shadow stopped him and looked at him in confusion.

"No. Don't call Fleetway. I don't want him getting involved. He's finally out of the hospital with Scourge. I want him to enjoy his time to relax." Shadow said.

Mephiles sighed and put his phone down while Silver looked at them before his eyes became determined. Sonic is hurt and needs their help.

"But you know that we need someone to help us. Bryan is not that weak." Silver said as he got up from the bed.

Bryan hurt Scourge and himself and now he hurt Sonic. He'll pay for this.

"Then who are we going to ask for help?" Shadow asked as he looked at him.

Silver thought for a moment before getting a lightbulb as he took out his phone and dialed a specific number he got from Sonic and sent a text to a familiar kitsune.

"We call Sonic's other friends."

That afternoon, they called Blaze, Amy, Cream, Espio, Knuckles and Tails. They were all gathered at the park after getting a text from Silver.

"Okay. My 'something is wrong' senses are really tingling badly." Tails grumbled.

He's really worried since he checked Sonic's room only to find him gone and it made him worry.

"Yeah, we don't usually gather around like this on Saturday." Amy said as Blaze nodded.

"So, uh, I gathered all of you here for a reason. So hear us out." Silver said nervously.

Wait. Us?" Knuckles asked in confusion.

They heard footsteps from the other direction and looked to see that it was Shadow with Mephiles and Rouge. Shadow sighed mentally as he was about to reveal everything to them about him and Sonic as he stood next to Silver.

"What's he doing here?" Amy asked in confusion.

"Just listen to what he's going to say, okay?" Silver told them.

They were still confused but nodded their heads. Shadow looked towards Mephiles and he could tell that his friend was really nervous. Mephiles gestured for him to breathe and relax. So Shadow breathed softly before looking at the others.

"So, you all might know about me already." Shadow began and they nodded.

"And I-I have a deep connection with Sonic, Silver and even Scourge." He said as they were still confused except for Tails.

He has this look that screams that he already knows what Shadow was about to reveal to them.

"This might come as a shock to you all but... I'm Sonic's boyfriend." Shadow confessed.

That left the others all into shock. They never expected for Shadow to say that but Tails already knew about his friend's and Shadow's status so he's not really shocked but he acted as if he just found out about it since Sonic told Tails about it secretly without Shadow knowing.

"Wait what?!" Knuckled exclaimed in shock.

"Why didn't Sonic tell us? And what about you with Scourge and Silver?" Amy asked in confusion.

"Yes, were you involved with Scourge's absences at school? He's been absent for a week now due to his illness." Blaze said with Tails nodding.

"Are you the cause of his illness?" Espio asked.

Shadow was confused on who's question he should answer first as he put his hand on his face until everyone quieted down as he sighed before looking at them.

"Look, I'll try and answer all of them later. Sonic didn't tell you because I told him to keep it a secret since everyone at school still considers me as the popular student which is kinda hard to have a relationship with. I'm just afraid that if they knew I'm with Sonic, they might do something horrible to him. Trust. I've seen girls being jealous towards Scourge for being in a relationship with Fleetway." Shadow explained.

They were still silent towards that but they continued to listen to Shadow to hear his explanation.

"And as for Silver, he's Mephiles' boyfriend. Scourge... His sickness was kind of involved with me. He was sick because he was attacked by a student about your age. His name is Bryan." Shadow explained as he growled out Bryan's name.

"Why would he attack Scourge?" Blaze asked in worry.

So that explains why Scourge was absent.

"He said it himself that he's jealous of me because I'm more popular than him and he attacked Silver too. I figured the reason why he would attack them is that he wants to make me angry. I already tried to calm down but..." Shadow trailed off as he clenched his fists.

They waited silently for Shadow to continue as he sighed to try and calm his anger down.

"Now that both Scourge and Silver have fully recovered, he attacked... Sonic. And I need your help. All of you." Shadow said as he looked at them pleadingly.

That shocked them all again. Sonic was attacked and they didn't know?! Tails was the most shocked out of all of them. So that's why he wasn't in his room when he woke up!

"Attacked?! He attacks people just for popularity?!" Tails growled angrily.

"Tails, calm down, buddy." Knuckles said as he held Tails' shoulder but he still won't calm down.

"Wait but where's Sonic now? You two didn't even mention any of this to me." Rouge said as she looked at Shadow, Mephiles and Silver.

"We already have a problem with that, Rouge. The one who took Sonic or even if it's Bryan won't even answer our calls." Mephiles explained before Cream had a lightbulb as she grabbed Tails by his arm and pointed to him.

"Wait? Tails is really smart! He can track the location through the phone number!" Cream said as Tails realized this and nodded

"Right! Give me the number now." Tails said as he took out his laptop.

Shadow told him the number of the sender and he dialed it and Tails started to process it and hack the location as the others watched.

"I'm still surprised that after all this time, Sonic has been dating you already." Knuckles said as he crossed his arms.

Shadow looked at him before starting to blush lightly as he remembered when he and Sonic confessed to each other on his birthday.

"Yeah. I really do love him and right now. I'm worried about him." Shadow said in worry as Silver patted his back.

"Can you tell us what Bryan looks like? Maybe one of us had seen him before." Blaze suggested.

Shadow went into thought and started to remember how he looks. He hated Bryan so much that he almost forgot about what he looked like and started imagining him as something else instead.

"Um, cream colored fur cat with blue eyes and he usually wears dark blue shoes." Shadow said as Blaze nodded. They could call the police after this.

"A cat, huh?" Knuckles snickered as he glanced at Blaze who rolled her eyes.

"Shut up, Knuckles." Blaze said.

A ding was heard as Tails finished looking through the number as he had a wide smile and showed it to everyone.

"I found the location!" He exclaimed.

Now they can rescue Sonic but something tells him that it's not gonna be easy.

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