Chapter 23

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Bryan was finally allowed out of the school after detention and he was walking out of the school, grumbling and blaming Shadow on his situation before stopping when he saw his girlfriend who was a white cat with fluffy fur and hair as he was confused what she was doing waiting for him.

"Tay? Shouldn't you be back home right now?" Bryan questioned her as he walked towards her.

Tay just sighed and crossed her arms.

"I was waiting for you since I heard that you got into trouble for wrecking the cafeteria." Tay said.

"It was Fleetway's fault." Bryan growled angrily.

"Well, I have something to tell you." Tay said while looking at him.

"What is it?" Bryan asked in annoyance.

"Well you see, I never expected it to happen to me but when I dropped my books in the corridor this afternoon, that popular student that you despise so much helped me." Tay said with a dreamy smile which made Bryan growled angrily.

"So?" He said as he slowly was losing his patience.

"I was going to decline his help but he insisted and not only that but he also helped me carry my books all the way to class. I saw the jealous eyes of the other girls looking at me and it felt really good." She smirked.

"So the point is you like him?" Bryan asked in a rather calm tone but was getting angrier by the minute.

"What if I do?" Tay asked him.

This made Bryan growl even more and did something boys shouldn't do to other girls and sent a punch right at her stomach which made her fall to the ground with a pained cry.

"A-Augh! B-Bryan!" Tay cried in pain while Bryan looked down at her coldly.

"Go ahead. If you wanna be with him, bitch. I'll just kill him soon anyway and you'll be alone." Bryan growled dangerously and started to walk away.

"Hey! You're not really done with me, are you?!" Tay yelled after him.

"Oh, I'm so done with you." Bryan told her.

Bryan left her without even giving her any help since the kick must've given her a stomach ache. Anger built up in him on the walk back to his house.

"So now he's flirting with my Tay? He'll pay for that." He growled. Looks like he'll have to do what he told that green weakling. Starting with the silver brat.

Just then he saw both Silver and Sonic coming out of the hospital and chatting happily. The two were going home after visiting Scourge and were both really happy that he's awake now.

Bryan glared at the two before grabbing his phone and dialed a number. Change of plans, he'll get the two of them when they're all alone.

"Hello? Yeah. Meet me at the park. There's something we need to do."

With both Sonic and Silver...

"I'm glad that I could make Scourge laugh like that!" Sonic snickered.

"You forced him to laugh, Sonic." Silver giggled.

"Yeah, but that chopstick nose trick wasn't gonna make Scourge laugh without me." Sonic grinned cheekily.

"Whatever you say." Silver replied and caused both of them to laugh.

The sky was now starting to dim to a shade of blue indicating that it will be night time. They decided to take a walk through the park since it leads them on their way back home but they found it eerily quiet.

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