Chapter 21

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"I wonder why he would attack Scourge." Silver wondered.

He and Mephiles were outside the room to give Fleetway some space but so did their support as the two were sitting on the waiting bench.

"I don't know either. That guy's really messed up." Mephiles answered as his toxic green eyes held anger towards Bryan.

Silver let out a sigh and looked away which made Mephiles worried about him. He sat closer to Silver and wrapped an arm around his waist to comfort him.

"Are you okay?" Mephiles asked in concern

"I'm just really sad that this happened to Scourge... and I'm already having a feeling that I might be next." Silver said as he felt fear all of a sudden.

This happened to Scourge and the same thing could happen to him and it really scared him.

"Why?" Mephiles asked in shock as Silver let out a shaky sigh.

"Because he knows about us being a couple and he wants to make Shadow get really angry slowly to make him use his hidden powers. And if Shadow doesn't use his powers, Bryan would tell everyone at school that he's faking it. Thus making him even more angry and he could kill Bryan out of anger." Silver theorized as he put his head on Mephiles' shoulder.

That made Mephiles blink as he never thought about it that far and Silver explained everything in detail without a problem. He might think that his albino uke is smarter than he looks and that just makes him love Silver more.

"Don't worry. I'll protect you from him." Mephiles reassured him as he tightened his hold on Silver a little in comfort.

"You promise, Mephiles?" Silver asked as he looked at him.

Mephiles nodded his head and cuddled Silver who cuddled back and he nuzzled his muzzle against Silvers and made him blush and giggle.

"Thanks, Mephiles. I love you so much." Silver purred happily.

Mephiles saw the cute expression on Silver's face and he couldn't stop himself from pinching his cheeks which he did so and getting a small yelp from Silver.

"I love you too." Mephiles said.

Silver smiled and hugged him tightly which Mephiles didn't expect. He didn't know if he should be embarrassed or not because they're in a hospital or happy that Silver keeps on being really cute with him. He hugged him back before unexpectedly biting the tip of Silver's ear. That made Silver snap his eyes open and gasped in surprise.

"Mephiles, w-what the? How did you do that?" Silver asked in confusion and lift his head to look at him

"I have a mouth that's hidden under my muzzle, remember?" Mephiles said as he pointed to his now visible mouth as he smiled at him.

Silver blinked at that before letting out a gasp when he felt a certain hand moving its way from his back to the tip of his tail.

"Meph... Mephy..." Silver whined and tried to push him away.

"Mephy? Is that my new nickname?" Mephiles asked with a deep chuckle.

Silver blushed heavily when he realized that he called Mephiles by his name unfinished.

"Mephiles, we're in a hospital. Stop." Silver whined in embarrassment.

Mephiles pulled away from the hug and suddenly grabbed Silver by the shoulder to whisper.

"I'm taking you to my bedroom after this." Mephiles whispered.

That made Silver blushed to a cherry red and let out a shriek and jumped from his seat which made the people in the area look at them weirdly before carrying on with their business. Silver stared at Mephiles with a pouty face while feeling his face burning.

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