Chapter 15

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It was lunch time and as usual, Sonic was sitting with all of his friends. They were having a rather funny conversation while laughing together. While they were having fun, Sonic suddenly felt his shoulders were being held by a pair of hands. He turned around and saw that it was Shadow. Sonic let out a small gasp and froze in his seat as his friends were all looking at him in confusion. Both Fleetway and Mephiles were there as well as Rouge.

"Hey, what's he doing here?" Amy asked in confusion.

"Well, I'm just saying hi to all of you." Shadow said while keeping his smirk.

"Hi, Mephiles!" Silver smiled excitedly at him while waving.

This made the others look at the two in confusion as Mephiles nodded his greetings and waved back at Silver.

"Since when did you guys become so close?" Knuckles asked in confusion while narrowing his eyes suspiciously.

That made Sonic really nervous while feeling Shadow's hands moving up to his cheeks.

"We had some really friendly time together at the party." Shadow said before squeezing Sonic's cheeks and making him blush.

He quickly held Shadow's hands and removed them from his cheeks while trying to make his blush go away.

"Shadow, stop." Sonic said timidly.

Shadow just smirked and quickly ran his hands down Sonic's chest and made him yelp out of surprise and embarrassment which Shadow finds very cute. His friends were all now looking at him in shock and disbelief. Shadow then wrapped his hands around Sonic's neck down to his chest and rested his chin on top of Sonic's head.

"What's wrong, Sonic? Embarrassed?" Shadow asked mischievously.

"Yes! Now, p-please let go!" Sonic squeaked while pouting.

Shadow just chuckled and let Sonic go while watching his pouting face. Fleetway is already kissing and hugging Scourge on his forehead and cheeks. The others were okay with that because everyone in the school knows they're a couple.

They saw that Mephiles is talking to Silver and the silver uke looks like he's having a pleasant conversation with him while getting a gentle pat on the head and they could clearly hear him purring in delight.

Everyone in the cafeteria were all staring at their table because Shadow and his group were around Sonic and his friends and it made some of them really jealous and tried to ignore what was happening.

"Sonic, are you free after school?" Shadow asked as he looked at him.

"Yeah, why?" Sonic asked curiously.

"I just thought that we could hang out and watch a movie. Do you want to?" Shadow said and Sonic smiled.

"Sure. I'd love to." Sonic smiled happily.

Shadow returned the smile which turned into a smirk before leaning down towards his ear and covered his mouth with his hand.

"It's a date then." Shadow whispered which made Sonic's ears burn.

That instantly made Sonic blush even more as pink steam was coming out of his head which made Shadow laugh softly before leaving with his group following him. Mephiles had to literally pry Fleetway off Scourge as the gold seme pouted but followed.

"What did he say? You seem to be very embarrassed by it." Blaze inquired curiously.

"I-It's nothing important! S-Seriously!" Sonic squeaked but on the inside, he's freaking out cause this will be his and Shadow's first date!

The others just shrugged it off and continued to enjoy their lunch before the bell rings.


"Aren't you teasing a bit too much? People might start to figure it out." Rouge said in concern.

"Figure about what? That we're a couple?" Shadow questioned which made Rouge nod.

This made Shadow sigh as they made it to class.

"That's not a problem. I was planning to reveal it soon anyway." He said as he sat down in his seat and the others did the same while Mephiles raised an eye ridge.

"Really? Don't you think it's a bit too risky with all of the, um, people that likes you?" Mephiles inquired as Shadow just shook his head.

"I never wanted to be popular in the first place. All I did was save our teachers and schoolmates. You know that the fire department could do that too. So why am I being worshipped so much?" Shadow explained as he rubbed his forehead. He didn't ask to be popular in the first place! Can't he just live a normal life without the whole popularity status?

The trio just stared at him before nodding slowly. He's right about that but maybe everyone only likes to see Shadow's other form because everyone thought that it's super rare to see him like that and that Shadow is the strongest in the school. Shadow didn't mind the attention but the paparazzi gets annoying when they corner him.

"Shadow, can we take a picture with you, please?" A girl asked hopefully while holding her phone.

Some girls came towards Shadow who was already comfortably sitting in his seat. Shadow just smiled politely and nodded which made them squeal in excitement. He took a selfie with them and they left after thanking Shadow. Once they were gone, Shadow let out a tired sigh and rested his face on his desk.

"I'm really tired..." Shadow groaned tiredly.

"Why didn't you just reject them?" Fleetway asked in concern as he looked at him.

Shadow pulls his face up and looks at Fleetway who's sitting in front of him.

"I want to but I can't. Those were junior students and they came up here to the senior's class just to take a picture with me. I just can't reject them. Plus they're girls." He explained before putting his elbow on the table and resting his chin on his palm as Mephiles leaned over to whisper.

"Don't worry. I bet you'll feel a lot better during and after your date with Sonic later." Mephiles whispered to him.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Shadow let out a smile at the thought of his blue shy boyfriend before Rouge remembered something as she looked at Mephiles.

"By the way, you and that albino hedgehog are a couple now right?" Rouge asked in a whisper and Mephiles nodded.

"Yeah." He nodded which made Rouge smile.

"Aww, our quiet friend finally isn't single again!" Rouge gushed happily which made Mephiles confused. What does she mean by quiet?

"I was never quiet. Was I?" He asked as Fleetway agreed with him.

"You were." He said and got hit by a book to the head by Mephiles.

The teacher finally came in and they all just waited for the school day to end. Shadow just kept thinking about Sonic with a small smile and can't wait for his first date with him.

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