Chapter 22

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Flashback starts; Yesterday...

Scourge was sitting on his bed and was still feeling a bit dizzy and sick to his stomach. He already drank his medicine with a glass of water and decided to take a nap. He didn't know how long he'll be asleep but he didn't care as long as he recovered quickly to join his friends at school.

He was about to sleep until he heard something outside his bedroom door. He groaned silently and sat up in annoyance as he stared at the door, wondering who it was or if something or someone was coming in.

He slowly got up and approached the door before opening it to see no one there. He let out a sigh and closed it to go back to bed when his door suddenly slammed open and he turned around and growled when he saw Bryan and his group.

"Look! He's still alive!" One of Bryan's thugs pointed as Bryan just smirked maliciously.

Scourge growled even more and turned around to face them before getting into a fighting stance to fight them even though his body still hurts.

"What do you want?" Scourge growled.

"Oh, don't worry. Once I finish you off, Silver and that blue hedgehog that looks suspicious to me will be next. Then I'll have Shadow really angry and forced to use his fake so-called powers! I'll expose him at school!" Bryan told him evilly and Scourge's eyes widened.

He needs to warn and tell the others about this!

His eyes glanced at the phone on his desk and he made a break for it but before he quickly reached it, something stopped him from doing so. He groaned and he looked to see Bryan standing over him with that evil grin of his before his world went black only to wake up in the hospital a day later with Fleetway holding his hand.

Flashback ends...

"That's all I can remember." Scourge said as Fleetway still held his hand who smiled reassuringly.

Just hearing what happened and what Bryan will do made him angry but he needs to deal with that later because right now, all he wants to do is be with Scourge knowing that he's okay.

"It's alright. I'm really glad that you're okay. Being out of breath is too dangerous, ya know." Fleetway told him as Scourge couldn't help but smile and nodded his head.

"Yeah but now my condition is even worse." Scourge pouted.

"That's okay! I'll stay here until you're fully healed!" Fleetway told him.

"Thanks, Fleetway." Scourge smiled at him.

Fleetway kissed Scourge's hand which made him smile and blush just before the doctor came in.

The next day...

They all went to school and did their routine schedules. Both Sonic and Silver were studying in the school garden but both want to visit Scourge again today since they didn't get any updates on Scourge's condition but Silver wants to tell Sonic something.

"Sonic, there's.... something I have to tell you." Silver said nervously.

Sonic turns to him with a confused look and tilts his head in confusion.

"Yeah?" Sonic gestured for him to go on.

"Yesterday... I did it." Silver said as he started to blush.

"Did what?" Sonic was confused as Silver was full blown blushing now.

"You know! That stuff on the bed!" Silver squeaked out in embarrassment.

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