Chapter 7

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Shadow and Mephiles helped Scourge on taking Silver and Sonic back since the two hedgies were too drunk to walk properly. After that, the two said their goodbyes while carrying Fleetway back home with them.

"Just go to sleep, you two." Scourge said before putting the blanket over them and switched off the lights.

"Why can't I be a real man...?" Silver said as he was still clearly drunk as he stared at the ceiling.

"Why can't I be with Shadow...?" Sonic sobbed quietly against his pillow but Scourge was able to hear that and was surprised.

Did Sonic just admit that he wants to be with Shadow? Scourge just realized that Sonic likes Shadow but he asked himself if he should tell Sonic that he heard him in the morning. He guessed that it was okay since Sonic's clearly drunk right now so he decided to tell him in the morning and he needed some sleep.

The next day, the trio were walking to school and were talking along the way as Scourge was thinking if he should tell Sonic or not. Coming to a decision, he then stopped before the two noticed that and stopped as well as they turned to him.

"What's wrong?" Silver asked curiously as Scourge contemplated on what he should say as he turned to Sonic.

"Um, I have something to tell you, Sonic." Scourge started as Sonic looked confused but nodded his head for him to continue as Scourge let out a sigh. Here goes nothing.

"Last night, you said something really strange while you were drunk." Scourge said as Sonic went tense as he started to laugh nervously.

"Haha, really?" He asked nervously as Scourge nodded.

"Yeah, I think you said: 'Why can't I be with Shadow?'" Scourge said and this caused Sonic to blush really hard.

He didn't remember anything from last night and he realized that he must've been talking a lot of stuff about Shadow yesterday and now he felt that he just wanted to crawl up under a rock and die out of embarrassment.

"Do you like Shadow?" Scourge decided to act to see and Sonic just nodded whole lowering his ears as the tips were red.

"Yeah." He finally admitted with a hint of a blush while lowering his head out of embarrassment.

"Aw, don't be sad, Sonic, it's okay. In fact, it's actually really cute of you to like him." Silver said as he tried to cheer him up.

"But he's really popular. There's no way that he will like someone like me." Sonic said with a small pout.

"Hey, Shadow told you that you should just consider him as a normal friend so treat him like a normal student." Scourge said as the three of them continued to walk to school.

"But, guys, it's not just me that has a crush on him. Didn't you know that almost all of the girls at school like him too? Even some boys as well!" Sonic said as he might not even have a chance against that many students.

"Don't let them get in the way between you and Shadow. You have to believe in yourself that you WILL be the one for Shadow." Silver encouraged with a smile as Sonic smiled back.

"Thanks, Silver." Sonic said with a smile.

"But Fleetway did tell me that he always rejected anyone who confessed to him." Scourge said and that deflated Sonic further.

Sonic just looked down and this caused Silver to panic as he tried to cheer him up again but it didn't work as he then gave Scourge an angry look.

"Scourge, you shouldn't have said that!" Silver exclaimed but Scourge just shrugged but felt bad for what he said to Sonic.

They finally made it to school and their class but the teacher wasn't there yet so they were talking about what happened last night.

"You know, I was making out with Fleetway last night." Scourge then said and caused the two to look at him in shock as he leaned back on his chair with his feet on the table.

"You two make out?" Sonic asked incredulously.

"He was drunk last night and he forced me to do it but it actually felt really nice and now I know why he likes me." Scourge said with a small smile.

"What about me?" Silver then asked nervously.

"All I remember from you is that you were hugging Mephiles." Scourge said and that caused Silver to blush and put his head down on the table and covered his entire face.

The teacher finally came in and class started for the day. After a while, lunch time arrived and they talked with their friends and decided not to tell them what happened last night and to keep it to themselves. While they were having a good time, Fleetway suddenly came to their table and started to drag Scourge with him who had an incredulous and shocked look as it looks like Fleetway was going to take him to the back of the school but for what they don't know.

"What are those two going to do?" Tails asked in confusion.

"Probably something weird." Sonic said as he chuckled slightly.

After a few minutes or so, Scourge finally came back before sitting down back on his seat as they were all staring at him before he looked back at them in confusion.

"What?" He asked in confusion.

When Fleetway came in, he stopped by their table before kissing Scourge by the cheek and left to sit with his friends.

"Oh that? Well, uh, he asked me out so now we're a couple." Scourge simply said and this made the group go into shock by the news.

"Wow! Congratulations!" Cream congratulated him as Amy held her hands together.

"Aww! That's really sweet!" Amy gushed happily.


"Hey, guys." Fleetway said but his grin was a different story.

"So how did it go?" Mephiles asked as he took a bite of his apple slices.

"He accepted it!" Fleetway burst into a cheer and hugged Mephiles tightly who had an unamused look since Fleetway was hugging him.

"So I guess congrats you two then." Shadow said with a smile as Fleetway nodded happily.

"I didn't know that you'd get him to like you." Rouge said with genuine surprise as Fleetway just grinned happily.

"I didn't know either but I guess I'm just lucky!" Fleetway said as he took à bite out of his fries.

Meanwhile, Shadow was in his thoughts and was thinking about what Sonic said to him last night. Out of everyone who said that they like or love him, he never really has any feelings to feel back towards them but with Sonic, it was really different. He turned his head to look at the blue hedgehog as he was talking with his friends and he couldn't help but smile at that. Maybe he liked him since he never has anyone acting all shy around or just being with him and almost everyone who liked him never even showed any type of shyness towards him, plus he actually looks cute like that.

"Shads? Hey, who're you looking at?" Mephiles asked as it snapped Shadow out of his thoughts as he realized that he had been staring at Sonic for a while so he just smiled at Mephiles.

"Oh, nothing. Just staring at the blue one." Shadow admitted.

Mephiles and Fleetway looked at each other before smirking. Even though Mephiles doesn't show his mouth often it shows that he's smirking by his eyes.

"So, Shads, does he interest you in some way?" Fleetway asked with a smirking face.

"Um, he's sweet." Shadow then smiled at the thought before he saw the looks on his friends' faces.

He was confused in why they were making those looks and wondered if they knew something that he didn't know.

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