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August's POV

I walked out the stage doors to walk home when I discovered Daveed standing in front of his car with his hands in his pockets smiling. "Hey! There you are, I've been looking for you." I said and walked up to him and he chuckled. "I knew you would be. Come on." He said and opened the passenger door for me to hop in. He quickly ran around and jumped into the driver's seat. "Pizza is already ordered and is being delivered to my apartment. Half cheese and half supreme." He said smiling at me. "Ooh yay!" I said and did a happy dance because A) I'm starving and B) he remembered my favorite pizza. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know, I being carried by Daveed into his apartment. "Well good morning" he said and placed me down when he opened the door. "Why thank you for my lovely ride." I said giggling. "Yeah, you owe me" he said chuckling. I walked into Daveed's room and dug through his clothes. I found an Oakland shirt that was super big on me and a pair of his sweat pants. Daveed was used to me stealing his clothes and I was NOT about to relax in jeans. I threw my hair into a bun and walked out to see Daveed putting the pizza box on the coffee table with some water. "Woah! I think you look better in those than I do." He said while grabbing his phone and took a picture of me as I posed. "Well of course I do!" I said and plopped down on the couch. "Can we watch Cinderella?" I asked. "Ummmm, no" he said and smirking. "Pleaaaaaaaase" I begged while giving him my best puppy eyes. "Ugh I hate that I can't say no to you." He said and I cheered grabbing a slice of pizza.

About half way into the movie my legs ended up across Daveed and a blanket was covering us as his arm was around my waist and on my knee with my face in his chest. I fell into a much needed sleep.

Daveed's POV

We were about half way through the movie when I heard light snores coming from August indicating she was out for the night. I looked down at her small face in my chest and just admired her. I can't believe I kissed her today, I've wanted to do that for a while now, I'll have to thank whoever made the plan. But I also had to turn her down, which I never wanted to do but I know if I lead her on it would be harder to let her go and I didn't want to put her through that. I thought back to when I told everyone we were staying just friends. I could feel her mood changed and I knew she was disappointed, but she said she was okay with this and she felt the same way. If she didn't then we wouldn't be where we are now. Ding. Ding. Ding. Man her phone was going crazy. I looked over and seen she had three messages.

Candice: seen the show tonight, just wanted to say how embarrassing it was to see you on stage.
Candice: you don't belong on Broadway, or anywhere.
Candice: you should've been like your sister and gotten a real job.

Who is this and why are they saying this to her. Who could be so heartless and mean? August did phenomenal at the show so this person clearly doesn't know what she's talking about.

1hour later

It was now 2am and I'm still on the couch with A. I've tried to sleep but I can't, my mind keeps going to those messages. I'll have to ask her in the morning. I carefully picked her up bridal style and carried her to my room and laying her on the bed and tossed the covers on top of her. I got in next to her and she rolled over almost instantly and dug her head back into my chest while I wrapped my arms around her. I instantly felt calm and my mind quit racing, I felt more at peace when I was with her. Like I could take on anything. My eyes then began to get heavy and I fell into a deep sleep.

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