"All these songs...they're about someone"

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Y/n's POV

I had sat down and continued to edit my music. Yes Max would help record but I was in charge of editing my own music because I know what I want and I want my shit to be correct and perfect. Olivia came and sat next to me.

We'd been in the studio for a few hours now and surprisingly Olivia was the only one that stayed with me. "Y/n how's it coming along?" She said and looked at the paper

"It's going good actually" I said closing my journal. "How many songs in total are recorded?" I thought for a minute "about....4? They're just simple songs I know I can get over with" I answered back "wanna go do something?" She asked and I nodded my head and left my book on the table.

This studio is one only Selena and I are allowed to use. So I can leave my songs out in the open since me and Sel are the only ones that have the key

We ended up driving around at first but then she decided on going to the pier. "LETS RIDE A ROLLERCOASTER" she said and I stopped walking. "What's wrong?" She said and stopped laughing "I've got a massive fear of heights" I said and she smiled at me and took my hand

"Don't worry...I've got you" she said and we walked to an attraction. We of course took some photos with some fans and we told them what we were currently up to. While we were waiting in line me and Olivia had a conversation going on

"Has Megan texted you?" She said "nope. I haven't heard from her in a while" i answered back. She smiled a little bit and held my hand again. "I'm enjoying this" she said while laying her head on my shoulder. "Me too" I laid my head on hers and I could feel her laugh

"What's so funny?" I said while smiling "nothing. I'm just really happy right now" I nodded my head. Once it was our turn to ride the ride. I sat down next to Olivia of course and just like that. My nerves went up again. "Maybe we can leave. Is it too early?" She pulled me back down cause I stood up

"Nope. Too late" she said. We were already moving and I was breathing a little too much and too fast. Olivia quickly grabbed my hand and throughout the whole thing she never let go. I was thankful the ride was actually over. "That wasn't so bad now was it?" She asked me and I rushed out the cart so fast and threw up

"Oh shit- Y/n are you ok?" I could hear the worry in her voice. I held up a thumbs up and she grabbed my hair and pulled it back for me. After I was finished she decided on just riding the Ferris wheel. But not before we grabbed something to eat

"You know you look adorable when you're scared right?" I laughed and shook my head "I look like a scared little kid" I said and she smiled while eating a fry. "Almost done?" She nodded her head and finished the last of her food. While we were walking I just kept looking at her with nothing but admiration

"What are you staring at you dork" I smiled and just shook my head. Once we got on the Ferris wheel I stood and leaned against the railing to get a view of the ocean. Olivia came and stood next to me

"The views nice right?" I said and she didn't answer. I looked and she was staring at me "Olivia?" She snapped out of whatever was going on and looked in front of her. "Yea. It is" she answered. She laid her head on my shoulder. I then grabbed her hand and held it. She seemed to like it since she played with my fingers

"You know..." she broke the silence "I wrote drivers license because of someone who broke my heart. Deceit was laced in my voice and defeat was plastered on my face...." I was confused at to where this was going "but then I met someone who really confused my feelings" she looked at me

"Y/n...I really wanted to just tell you how much-" she was cut off by the ride coming to an end "what did you wanna say?" She then shook her head "it's nothing" she said and smiled after. I nodded my head and grabbed her hand. "Hey I know we just came to the pier but do you wanna go do some painting?" She excitedly nodded her head

I took her to my place and in the back I had a separate art studio that was once just an old shed. We changed into something more worthy of getting paint on and headed towards the back "Alright...so let's do this" I opened the door and there was a giant canvas. Painters plastic on the floor and several brushes along with buckets of paint of many colors and shades.

"I'll take the right and you take left. We'll try to both make something and combine it on this one canvas alright? Now use whatever you want" she carefully ran and grabbed the color green and picked up a giant brush. I ended up grabbing a pencil and sketching then grabbing a brush and some white paint

I then felt something wet on my shoulder and it was green paint. I saw Olivia smiling. I then grabbed my blue brush and flicked paint at her. She then splashed me with pink and I threw some red onto her. We ended up just splashing each other with paint

We ended up getting some on the canvas and it turned out somewhat ok. It was abstract I'll tell you that. We took a shower and changed into some clothes. She borrowed some of mine of course. We then just laid on my bed. She had her head on my chest and I had my left arm wrapped around her shoulder

"I enjoyed today" she said while smiling. "I did too" we were in a comfortable silence while the office played in the background "hey...what I was saying earlier. I'm glad I met you. I'm glad I get to see this musical journey you're on. It's exciting. I'm watching you grow as a singer" she said and I laughed a little

"Yea. I'm glad you're by my side. This new album is going to be great and meaningful. These songs all mean something and all these songs...they're about someone" she then looked up at me "who?" I then thought for a minute. It was too soon to tell her how I felt. Maybe I should wait

"Someone" I said and she looked back down and nodded her head.

"Dude...this is weird right?" Olivia Rodrigo x YouWhere stories live. Discover now