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Y/n's POV:

I was with Elizabeth at her interview watching her do her thing whenever someone came over to me in a giant coat and sunglasses

"hi. You must be y/n. I'm Ashley" I was confused until it clicked in my mind. This is Ashley Olsen. Alright y/n act cool...ACT COOL

"Hi! I'm y/n and I'm a huge fan. I love your work also your acting. Not that I'm saying acting wasn't your work- I mean it is but you're doing fashion- I mean acting is still your work and fashion- and I'm gonna stop talking now" she laughed and gave me a hug

"So you're the girl that my sister was telling me about. You're very pretty. I can see why she likes you" I was confused

"she likes me?" She nodded her head "I like her too. She's a cool friend" her face kinda dropped but she fixed it

"Hey I'm inviting her to a lil diner with Mary-Kate tomorrow. Wanna join? I'm sure Elizabeth would love to have you" I smiled and nodded my head

"alright well formal wear is advised. Also, try getting close with her. You're gonna miss out if you don't" I was more confused now

"How do I do that?" She then thought for a minute until she went through her bag and pulled out a stick of gum

"give this to her. It's her favorite flavor as well as mines" I nodded my head and watched her again but she was signaling me to get up

"Oh you want me to give it to her right now?" She nodded her head and I smiled before getting up. No one seemed to mind as I walked up to the couch they were at

"y/n? Hey" she said and looked at me weirdly "I wanted to give you this" she was confused but took the stick of gum

"Does my breath stink?" She said jokingly "what? Oh, no! No. I just thought you'd want- like eat- well not eat but chew the gum while you're talking- not like obnoxiously of course- not that you'd chew obnoxiously- and I really gotta stop talking!" I said embarrassed and my face going red

"Well it's my favorite flavor so I'll gladly chew it right now" she unwrapped it and started chewing the gum "Y/n Gomez! Perfect timing. We were about to talk about you. Care to join? We'd love to talk and hear what you have to say" I looked at Elizabeth and she grabbed my hand pulled me gently next to her

Our hands didn't separate and they stayed together.

I- so Elizabeth a few days ago there were photos that were surfacing on the internet and they were photos of you and this dashing singer right her. So the question is... is there something happening?

E- uh....

She looked at me and I looked at her and took over

Y- Yes!

I- Oh, really?

E- Yes, yes. We didn't wanna really come out with anything yet considering you know, people and their opinions

I know this was like a written question but I could see the interviewer shift in her seat and I knew she was skeptical

I- how did you two meet? I mean... y/n you're...

Y- young? Yes. So you know, two months ago I went to marvel studios to go see a friend of mines and I had ran into her

E- yea. A few small convos here and there and then boom! I asked her out on a date and yea you're all caught up

I- Ok! Well that's good. So tell me Y/n was wonder about Elizabeth?

I nodded my head

Y- What about Elizabeth. Uhhh..May I?

I signaled to the interviewers seat

I- wanna take over? Of course. Let's have this a go

We switch spots and I have the question cards and microphone in my hand. I put the questions on the table in front of me and sit back a little

Y- So Elizabeth do you think some of the acting knowledge and experience you have may have something to do with your older siblings?

E- I would like to think so. I mean they were the ones that really started things in our family. I mean they walked so I could run basically

I- May I add onto that?

I nod my head

I- now that you mention that, y/n. Elizabeth would you say that your siblings are the ones that truly shaped your acting mentality?

E- I wouldn't say shape it but I would say prepared me. I mean they were the blueprint for my acting career except I didn't do any family oriented roles

The interview went on for a few more minutes. Once it was over we met up with her sister. "Y/n I did not expect you to say that you two were dating." I was just as confused

"I didn't expect myself to say it either but it's the least I could do. I mean Elizabeth helped open my eyes to what was in front of me" she smiled and I gave her a hug

"Well I'm so glad. Wanna go back to my place?" I look at her funny "Jesus I know I said we were dating but doesn't mean I'm gonna get with you" I said chuckling and she playfully rolled her eyes

"C'mon I wanna make us dinner! I was thinking steak!" I smiled wide "that sounds nice" she smiled back at me and hugged me with her hands around my waist. I don't know how but I felt really safe in her arms

"You know people are gonna think you're dating right?" Ashley said and I shrugged my shoulders "I don't care and so what? If we were to date then it wouldn't be so bad since people already think we are" I looked at her and she smiled wide

"Alright. Well Liz me and Mary-Kate are having dinner tomorrow. Also y/n will be joining so wanna come?" Elizabeth immediately accepted "alright well, y/n, it was nice to meet you. Liz, I'll text you in a few minutes" she smiled and nodded her head

"Shall we get going, darling?" She said playfully and held her arm out signaling for me to link mines with hers which I did. "We shall, my love" I said playfully back and she smiled and walked to her car

"Dude...this is weird right?" Olivia Rodrigo x YouWhere stories live. Discover now