Those damn Millenials

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Olivia's POV:

"You want me to do what? Please repeat yourself Olivia" she said "I want you to flirt with Y/n or be friendly with her, get close in conversation with her, and find out what Elizabeth is doing" she looked at me weird

"Do you know how crazy you sound?" I thought for a second before speaking "yea, I sound crazy as hell" she then laughs a little

"come on you act like you haven't done this already" she sat back in the chair while sipping some coffee

"Olivia how do you even expect me to meet up with the girl. Let alone get close enough for her to spill some secrets?" I shrugged my shoulders

"I don't know. Can't you just pretend to be one of your characters you've played?" She thought for a second

"That might not be a bad idea except fir the fact that I HAD A SCRIPT AND AN ACTUAL PURPOSE TO PLAY THAT CHARACTER!" I rolled my eyes

"Geez. It was just a suggestion" she took another sip before continuing "a stupid one" I leaned forward a little. Hand under my chin holding my head up.

"Geez Megan someone's upset that Y/n stopped talking to them" I laughed a little "you realize she left me for you right?" I laughed again

"does it make you feel better admitting it?" She rolled her eyes for probably the tenth time today

"Whatever she left you for someone else too" I rolled my eyes at the comment "you're just mad that she went for someone younger than you for the second time" she gave me a 'really bitch?' Look and I pull up my phone

"You are 35 and she is 32. I wouldn't be surprised if she went for Emma Watson next who is 31" I said while laughing a little "I outta slap you, Rodrigo" i backed up a little

"calm down it's just a joke. You millennials don't understand humour anymore" she rolled her eyes. I really hope they get stuck

"Well you Gen Z can't ever be serious anymore. That's exactly why you guys are the joke generation" she said. She thinks she won but I got her ass with this one

"says the generation that still tries to act young. I'm just saying Megan, if you're gonna dress up at least look nice. Lookin like you dress at forever 41" she gasped "YOU BITCH" we were at my place so it was fine

"You Gen Z have lack of music taste, fashion taste, AND TASTE IN GENERAL" I rolled my eyes

"first off don't comment on our music taste when all you guys had were romance songs. It's not my fault you guys can't be a bad bitch. Secondly, if you call layering a skirt over jeans and topping it all off with flats fashion, that's on you. And lastly our taste is amazing. Have you seen our variety in men and woman?" I smiled a little

"Ok but movies and tv shows aren't as good anymore" I rolled my eyes "if you call lead female roles and less damsels in destress "not good" then... wake up. BE WOKE, FOX" I laughed a little

"well at least we don't depend on stupid rocks to help our mood" I looked at her dumb

"You guys literally had rings that yall believed could tell the mood of people. Our crystals may sound dumb but mood rings sound worse, you stupid bitch. Don't manifest that. I've got my rose quarts and amethyst around" I said while pointing to the crystals that were on my coffee table

"Alright whatever. I'm still not doing your stupid plan" I rolled my eyes "fine. I didn't need you anyways" I got up and opened the door for her "who are you gonna he then huh?" I shrugged my shoulders

"I'm not sure. But I think I know a girl" she rolled her eyes before leaving. She actually followed me on everything so we're not on bad terms, at least

I took my phone out and went to Instagram:


Hey I need you're help

Sure. With what?

Sabrina's POV:

I pulled up to a Starbucks. I had gotten in contact with Aaron, with some help from my manager, and he said he'd meet with me at a coffee place and here we are.

"So why exactly did you want to talk to me? I mean no offence you're like almost two times younger than me" I rolled my eyes "how did you land all your roles?" He looked at me weird "by a movie producer" I rolled my eyes again "Was that your wife?" He nods his head

"How did you guys even start dating?" He sat back for a minute before taking a sip of his coffee "she just said that once I landed the role of the film she was producing that she could get me into more films to help my career" I nodded my head

"Is that all you wanted to ask me?" I shook my head "WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT TO YOU IN WANDAVISION?!" He laughed a little "I get that a lot actually" i smiled "can you also do me another favor?" He nodded his head while smiling


Lex's POV:

I had just gotten a call from roger. He's asking where some of the music is at and I don't know what to tell him so I call y/n.

Y- This is Y/n Maximoff speaking

A- Maximoff? Really?

Y- was either that or Olsen and Y/n Olsen doesn't roll off the tongue. Actually wait it does. Let me start over Y/n Olsen speaking!

A- Y/n I-

Y- Y/n Olsen

A- Y/n I really-


A- Jesus-

Y- that's not even my name


Y- Thankyou!

A- y/n... I really gotta ask you when you're making more songs. Roger is bothering me about it and wants to know

Y- hmmm I think I'll be making some more after tomorrow. Since I'm having dinner at Elizabeth's sister's house and then I'm gonna hang out with Olivia

A- GREAT! Make sure you make at least two songs, please

Y- I will! Have I ever let you down?

A- you once didn't catch me during a trust fall you dumb, bitch

Y- that was your fault. Never trust a bad bitch

A- you're just a bitch

Y- Megan Thee Stallion would say otherwise

A- girl you've talked to Megan?

Y- Bitch we bumped into her at that one party and have kept contact ever since. I'm a bad bitch in her eyes

A- I should book her an eye doctor appointment, then.

Y- look I gotta go. I'll be there, I promise. By lex

A- bye Y/n

Y- Y/n.....

A- oh my god.... Bye Y/n Olsen

I hung up and rubbed my temples

That girl needs to touch some grass

"Dude...this is weird right?" Olivia Rodrigo x YouWhere stories live. Discover now